Recent content by xgilx

  1. X

    Has anyone ever seen this?

    Ouch, looks like major nute burn to me... start flushing my friend.
  2. X

    Cloning question

    Rooting powder has always worked well for me... I can't see any difference between it and the gel. I did clone a mother and then bud the mother out but the clone I saved to replace the mother got sick and died on me so I would be careful if it is a strain you dont want to lose. I lost a great...
  3. X

    Boiling roots before harvest???

    It sounds ridculous and messy to me... If you have good plants and they are finished just cut them down and begin drying them and getting them ready to cure... This just seems like an extra step that wouldnt bring any results that would do anything for you also the steam from the boiling water...
  4. X

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Problemo's Early Stages

    I checked my PH on the plants and it was a little on the base side about 7 or so... do you think this might be the problem? I adjusted it back down to around 6.5 and I am watering with just plain water for the next couple of days to flush out anything that might be causing the problems. Any...
  5. X

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Problemo's Early Stages

    Ok, so what should I do in order to correct this? What could be causing this?
  6. X

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Problemo's Early Stages

    check the first post, i went back and attached them there...
  7. X

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Problemo's Early Stages

    good idea, here's the pics, i have a couple more if you need them, they didnt attach the first time around.
  8. X

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Problemo's Early Stages

    Well my plants were looking beautiful and I am noticing some problems arising... Can anyone please help me diagnose...??? I have 10 plants growing in 2 gallon pots, ph is at about 6.5, growing in perlite, peatmoss and coco mix using general hydo green brown pink and kabloom... i am thinking...
  9. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    So you think i should literally bend the plants over and tie them up so that the tops are facing the gorund and then lower the lights? i don't get it?
  10. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    How far away are the lights from the tops - MAYBE 8-10 Inches how tall are the plants - 3 to 4 Feet how big is the grow space - HUGE (10x12 room) and is there reflective material close in to the plants - They are sitting on mylar reflector material and the walls behind them are pained...
  11. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    I dont know wtf is going on with these plants... i started the lights literally 12 inches above the plants, just enough so that it would not fry them... they instantly grew insanely fast and directly into the light, i have to keep moving the light up in order to avoid burning the shit out of...
  12. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    i have 2 400 hps going....
  13. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    I just added a few pics so if you get a chance, please take a look at them and let me know what you guys think...
  14. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    Hey guys, here's my pics... Plants have been in flower for about 20-24 days... I did not mark the calendar but i have narrowed it down to this time frame... anyway... let me know what you think... if you have any questions, let me know... The first pic is the one with the most red hairs but...