Recent content by xperyens

  1. X

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    I mean now it's a perfect time to start germinating your new seeds. In july you can take those girls outdoor where they will fill in with nice looking buds. About those 2 days of darkeness before cutting, i don't know what to say, but in nature the sun is there everyday. As i know you can't...
  2. X

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Next time let her develop in a natural way, don't cut her, don't strech her.. let it be. from germination - 2 weeks with high humidity... then cfl lights ... then in july, plant her outdoor... speaking real time ...end of may
  3. X

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    *1 more week to go, ~12 days max. Patience is the key :) You must seek for the golden shades... when the "fruit is done" *1 more week to go from the moment you've take that picture
  4. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    hello Lucas, i've already harvested a big part of my plant, look at those pictures above. Thanks for your reply and good luck with your growing.
  5. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    I will show you a picture of what's left of the plant and still developing. What about the harvest, i haven't received comments about my harvest...
  6. X

    1x White Whidow under HPS 400w

    I don't know how much i've harvested (the buds are drying now) but i have some pictures. Tell me what you think. Thanks man! The last two pictures are from my plant after chop. you can see many small buds. I've tied those branches in order to receive more light and now i guess i'll have to wait...
  7. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    come on guys, i will appreciate those inputs... and i did that think with the lower branches, i've tied them down and chopped the rest of the buds from the higher branches, so now the plant it's smaller and the light reaches all the buds... if you're interested to see pictures of "after harvest...
  8. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    No feedback, opinion, suggestion?
  9. X

    Super Dry

    Hi there, as i know, the buds have to contain a little quantity of water for a proper curing. Maybe you could do this normally, but keep those in jars for a longer time and keep opening them twice a day, every day until they are dry enough. Cheers!
  10. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    I've got a new yeld developing, and with some luck it will be the same amount. I hope the buds will develop quicker and i will try to give her organic food only. I will not revert to a vegetative state because she's big enough. Let me show you the plant after chop. Mayble i will try to tie those...
  11. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    Hello, today i've harvsted my baby after 36 hours of darkness. i've choped everything that looked done. I haven't chop down the main stem yet, it's still growing. I will attach some pictures of it (compared with a hdd). Now they're left to hang for 1 week and then jars. Thanks for your help. i...
  12. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    I've read your whole tutorial FDD, i don't want to put stupid questions, but, as you can see, the behavior of my plant as a whole is unpredictable. New white hairs (means growing as fdd said), long flowering time, i'm in my 13'th week of flowering, new bid sites everywhere, the main cola is...
  13. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    By the way, i've cut some buds, dry them quickly and smoke them with my friends... and i must say you, those buds are among the strongest (and i've smoked some good weed). so i'm very happy :weed: the buzz is still there after 2 hours :)
  14. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    This is another leaf from another bud. Do you think this is ready?
  15. X

    harvest time, this week + pictures

    Well, today i've managed to get new lenses for my camera and i've took some pictures from a bud leave. I can see amber trichs, and i think this bud is ready. What do you think?