Recent content by zachattack484

  1. Z


    ever heard of big lurch? watch this vid
  2. Z

    question for oregon med patients

    hey fellow med patients. last week i finally got the 200 bucks together and went to a thcf clinic where i was approved for medical marijuana. needless to say im ecstatic. however there is one slight problem, i am a college student and i will be moving in with my parents this summer untill next...
  3. Z

    noob needs help with ventelation

    sorry for all the noob questions but... Ok so if i have the lights ducted to their own intake will i still need a carbon filter? the lights have lenses on them so i dont see how smell could get in. also could i use a 250 cfm booster fan to ventelate the lights? like the ones from a home...
  4. Z

    noob needs help with ventelation

    good idea but isent it best to have the airflow from bottom too top in each room? and also i heard it was better to run a passive intake wouldn't this make the flower room non passive?
  5. Z

    noob needs help with ventelation

    got a new idea. ok so i will use the 6'' inline with the two 1000 watt lights for heat. and for circulation i will use these 112cfm computer fans i found. the grow space is 182 sq. ft so two of these fans will be used for circulation. can i power both of these fans with one cell phone charger...
  6. Z

    noob needs help with ventelation

    thanks, so you are saying that if i do run two inline fans i should run them vented up together? what is the advantage of this compared to running two seprate fans for cooling and ventelation? im growing ak 47 so it will be stinky.
  7. Z

    noob needs help with ventelation

    i have searched all over and cannot find the answer to my Question. i am trying to design a grow room that will be about 6' by 3.5' by 8' it will be divided into 2 rooms. one room will have a 1000 watt mh light, the other room will have 1000 watt hps light. both of the hoods are air cooled. i...
  8. Z

    best light for cloning

    hey i am setting up an aeroponic system with a 1000 watt mh light for veg. and a 1000 watt hps in the budding room. my question is can i start clones in my veg. room under the Mh or should i get florescent for that?
  9. Z

    am i eligible for medical marijuana

    thanks guys i know that i would have to find a doctor that will support me in getting the med card. anyone know of good doctors in Oregon? i live in southern oregon but would travel to eugene or portland
  10. Z

    am i eligible for medical marijuana

    Hey i am 18 years old and have been suffering from headaches (usually 1 to 3 or more a week) since i was a child. i have been on medication for these headaches but i would like to take a new and more natural approach to living with these headaches. it is my opinion that these headaches are most...