Recent content by zeriddle

  1. Z

    Please help! Mold and bud/rot :(

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  2. Z

    Please help! Mold and bud/rot :(

    So it's been ready rainy past few weeks and I have been discovering alot of rotting buds and mold on branches I tryied to contain it by removing the infected parts but more just keeps showing up I'm not really sure what to do as it's my first time growing and I think im in late flowering do I...
  3. Z

    Bugs on cannabis plant please help!

    Okay well thanks for telling me the insect haha did you say my flowering looks delayed ? Might caused by stress idk
  4. Z

    Bugs on cannabis plant please help!

    I honestly don't really remember when the started flowering but I think they look nice should they be bigger?
  5. Z

    Bugs on cannabis plant please help!

    Oh thanks! Do you have any advice on getting rid of them ?
  6. Z

    Bugs on cannabis plant please help!

    Hello I'm starting to have an infestation on my outdoor cannabis plants there are these tiny flying green insects that I'm not sure what they are they fly so fast I can't clearly see them and when they land of the fan leads they look small and green please someone let me know how to get rid of...
  7. Z

    Are my outdoor plants okay with heavy rain

    Alright thanks
  8. Z

    Are my outdoor plants okay with heavy rain

    Heyo first time grower here, im growing in b.c Canada and it's supposed to piss rain for the next few days. I'm just wondering are my plants going to be alright? I'm not too sure how long I'm into flower but I know I'm in that stage and I'm worried about mold or whatever can happen. Also one...
  9. Z

    First time grow

    Well it's my first time growing cannabis and would like to know how it is looking. The plants are probably around 3-4 months old, I grew then from seed starting them indoors around April then later brought them outdoors. Don't know which strain they are just bagseed. I tried low stress training...