Recent content by zyklon

  1. zyklon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    Update... She's about 26"-27" tall now. Lots of vegetative growth, lots of branches. How does it look? When should I see sex? I think it's a female, but I can't really tell yet?
  2. zyklon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    It's about 85 degrees in the closet right now. I made a mix of nutes that follows the bottles instructions. Probably not the best idea, but I'm starting with every other watering. I don't have a pH meter on hand, so I won't be able to test it. Just have to wait and see what I'm doing works I...
  3. zyklon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    Word, I'll check that out. Also, I just added a fan to the closet. It's about a foot in diameter. It's not blowing directly on the plant, but in the direction of the plant, for a bit of circulation. Her leaves rustle very slightly, but not a lot. Is this good? How should I go about air...
  4. zyklon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    Yeah, again, I'm no expert here. It's my first grow, I just kinda hucked it. I'm not entirely sure what's what with nutes or PH. I don't have a meter. I'll search around for what other people have to say. I'm not sure where the nearest grow store is. The one my friend and I went to to get nutes...
  5. zyklon

    Team Fortress 2

    Fuck yeah TF2 I play that shit.
  6. zyklon

    your favorite music genre

    Metal definitely my favorite. Death, black, thrash, you name it.
  7. zyklon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    My bottles read as follows... Grow Big: 6-4-4; Big Bloom: 0.01-0.3-0.7; Tiger Bloom: 2-8-4. I didn't buy them, my friend gave them to me to use after he used some for a small grow of his own. He said they were what I should use. I've been giving her tap water for the past week or so, but I made...
  8. zyklon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    Hey this is my first post. I have a closet grow setup with one indica plant. I'm not big on cash, so it was mostly improvised, but seems to work well. I'm not exactly what date I started, but it's been vegging for a couple months. It's roughly 16" tall now, with, I believe, no discoloration...