Strange flowering Clone just doesn't know what to do


Well-Known Member
So this is going on a month. Pretty much why I don't monster crop lol. They took root pretty quick and started growing in about 3 weeks. First set of new growth was normal leaves and got me wondering why. Then not the single leaf but a few 3 leaf sets sprouted. Then what looks like a 2 leaf lol. And finally the single leaf. There's a bit of a stretch but might be from lighting. But now it's producing trichs again and some sort of odd looking flower or so it seems. Just really wondering what's going on. I have never had a clone cut from flower revert back to veg in this way. I'm curious to see what she will be if she continues to grow.
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Hopefully I can get a few opinion s on what's its trying to do.


Well-Known Member
what was the mother doing when it was cloned ? reveg plants do that weird leaf thing. what are the hours?


Well-Known Member
I have had this recently and found if you get them under a bigger light, they'll start to grow out normal after a week or so, I had my cuts under a 45w led then moved them under a 315w cmh and they started growing out normal, I'd say this will work with a 4 or 600. Oh and this happens when you reveg or so I am told...


Well-Known Member
Yes it's a re veg. Sorry that's what I meant by monster crop. Cut 3 weeks into flower. I've done this a few times but usually it's the single odd looking leaf and then back to normal. This keeps not know where to go. And to now have trichs again. And is that flower looking bunch just branches sprouting. Lmao.
I had them on 24/0 first couple weeks then went to 20/4. I usually have my clones under CFLs so all they have been getting is 3-23w CFLs. Guess they could go to normal lighting now.
Basically trying to save a strand I didn't have a mother for.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize how many trichs it had gotten until looking at the pics better. Prob had no trichs around 3-4 days ago


Well-Known Member
This is the mother now. Starting week 7IMG_20170418_234256911.jpg
She will still swell pretty good next week or two. Turned out a pretty good yielder. This one went untrained


Well-Known Member
20170418_083415.jpg if you can zoom in on the 4 big pots you may be able to see the shitty growth like your plants have this was taken around a week ago


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's more around what I usually see. I can usually get the branching from a re veg to grow up and out for a bonsai mother. They can produce a heck of a lot more babies.


Well-Known Member
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This was cut from the same group of cuts as the first. So take it as a month old also have no clue why it wasnt tossed. Just started growing a couple days ago lol. These dam weeds I tell ya


Well-Known Member
That's what will happen in that late of flower when you clone. Prob take a month to look normal again but if you really want to keep it put in the time and it will come around with some tlc

Ray Kudronic

Active Member
So this is going on a month. Pretty much why I don't monster crop lol. They took root pretty quick and started growing in about 3 weeks. First set of new growth was normal leaves and got me wondering why. Then not the single leaf but a few 3 leaf sets sprouted. Then what looks like a 2 leaf lol. And finally the single leaf. There's a bit of a stretch but might be from lighting. But now it's producing trichs again and some sort of odd looking flower or so it seems. Just really wondering what's going on. I have never had a clone cut from flower revert back to veg in this way. I'm curious to see what she will be if she continues to grow.
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Hopefully I can get a few opinion s on what's its trying to do.
I have a similar problem going on with some pineapple express, except I took my clones in from a vegging plant (14/10 it was dropping 2 hours of light off weekly going into flower though). For reasons I can only speculate on, the clones I took started to make tiny little buds once they gained a fat root system. My guess is just that the plant had already started the process of getting ready to flower, so the hormones and chemicals that induce budding in the shoots get trapped. Only option the plant has is to use them up. Its been my personal experience when this happens its take the plant about a month to start re-vegging, after that it amount of time they usually doesn't recover. I will also rip off any calyx's, to maybe help the plant start investing energy into growing leafs and roots. Just some high thoughts though.:joint:


Well-Known Member
My reveg usually go pretty well. Last on got a little out of control
But don't well you can really capitalize on a yield in a tight space. But time is needed. If you have problems early when cloning your pretty much dead in water. Cloning a flowering plant is def more of an advanced procedure. Everyone's situation is diff. If you have time and room, try it. If you want a quicker yield, stick to the norm.
At this point I'm just curious. I'm keeping these alive to see what comes. They got some recent brown spots growing. I'm thinking there root bound in the solo cups by now. I will transplant tomorrow into an amended FFOF mix and move under LED. They norm would be back to full veg by now. That hiccup when they tried to reflowed was just odd. And re producing trichs. They sure are sorry looking

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And the dead ones are resurrecting! Who knows where they went
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I know, I know. I have too much time on my hands lmao


Well-Known Member
Well site won't let me add a pic right now. They kicked back into veg. Transplanted into 3gallon with FFOF. I'll post pics when I can.
When pulling them out of the solo cups I almost jumped for a sec seeing the bottom of one. Quick look, I thought I had some kind of huge worm on the bottom. (Bad eyes lol) then looked and it was just a massive tap root. About the size of a straw. Never seen such a thing myself. Any of y'all?


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to bet russet mites or broads! Have the undersides of the leaves been checked good? Any other funky signs on the plants?

I've recently stumbled on this issue and figured it out this past week

Good luck


I personally will take clones 2 weeks into flower and they end up looking like your clone. But they grow into massive bushy little shits