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  • Wondering How many days of flower you have found to be the best run for BK 2.0. Also have you had any experience iwith self seeding on this strain? Thanks
    Hey mate, I haven't grown out the 2.0, just the original bubba kush sorry.
    Will we ever see our photo's again? I fear not! Not much point in hanging around when IG is working!
    Whats up eastcoastmo. Thanks for posting such great pics of your buds grown under our p300. You mind if i share those images on our Facebook page? Ill most definitely give you the props!
    'sup Easty? I slipped away whilst I dealt with garden issues that had me just about ready to quit. It was frustrating. But somehow resurrected that bitch and things are better than ever. Going to try and post more regularly now that I have simplified. How are things on your end? Got anything going right now?
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    Hey man!!
    Sorry to hear of your troubles you've had, I'm glad to hear you've come through them bigger and better, I can't wait to see mate :)
    I'm just finishing off my breeding project mate, growing out some females to see which ones to use in the final cross, going very well so far, I think! I can post a few pics in your thread if you like??
    Anyway mate, hope to see some updates soon :)
    That sounds killer. Definitely post some pics!
    Hey Easty! Just poking around a bit back in RIU. Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday and New Year. Peace
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    Dude!! Stoney my man, great to hear from ya :) We had a great Chrissy and New Years thanks mate, nice and quiet! I hope yours was great too?
    Very happy to have you back bro :) you running a journal or anything this time round? I've finally gone all hempy and absolutely loving it! So much easier hey ;)
    So how have your grows been going bro? You grown any ridiculous strains lately?
    Gday mate, hope all is well? You and your family have a good christmas/new year ay!
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    Cheers brother :) I wish you and your family all the best for a merry christmas and a safe and happy new year! Hope 2015 is a good year for you :)
    Hi ECMo, all is well!! Hope everything is good in your neck of the woods as well. I'm just trying to get situated in a better location. Hasn't fallen into place just yet, but it will soon :) Peace!!
    (NLxBlueberry)x(columbian gold x haze)?
    NICE! i wouldn't turn my nose up at that. NL and blueberry? probably, but not a columbian haze cross! what columbian dod you use, and how did it blaze? i really want to try gage green's gold, and don't expect results out of my own 25% NL5 columbian as i've had mutants with that as of late.
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