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  • Im guessing you're the extracting expert from what I've seen on these forums.

    Could you possibly let me know if flower should be fully saturated after open blast extraction and if it is supposed to be then what would be the reasons for it being dry?

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    Reactions: Dboybudz
    Im not an extraction expert.... just a decent grower. Sorry, Im not sure who I would recommend.
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    Reactions: tkufoS
    The LPG rapidly boils off after open blast, leaving the material dry.
    Good to know mate, thankyou
    I take it your the extraction expert from everything I've read and seen on here. Why do people hate Iso extractions like they are somehow dirty and gross as far as I have read it's one of the safest, cheapest, and best yield and evaporating solvents. Yet everyone online says it's shit meanwhile they use Butane and Hexane in their shed without ever testing their product. If done properly how is ISO gross or dirty?
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    Reactions: Fadedawg
    oh yeah and the naptha rick simpson used for his oil is not the same naptha that we get in the united states...to totally different things...that why people had bad experiences with makin his oil in america...
    Well in Canada it's illegal to Denature Isopropyl as what's the point it will kill you in you drink it and I've let it evaporate and there was nothing left over even after scraping pyrex with a razor blade
    Because it pulls from too wide of a compound spectrum and destroys terpenes. All you can really do is eat it straight. If you're going for edibles, decarbed extracts typically have a higher concentration, blends better and adds less flavor if you're cooking with it.
    Hey Fadedawg,
    I am doing a cryogenic ethanol extraction and am aiming to create shatter from it. I am extracting and going straight into a rotary evaporator to take off a majority of the ethanol. Then go to a vacuum oven to do a 4 day purge at full vacuum around 35-40C.
    Planning to keep it very thin (about 3/8'') in a pyrex. My main concern is that if I go any higher of a temp the terpenes will begin to evaporate too. Any insight or guidance will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for being such a great resource for the canna community!
    I would go even thinner in the dish and raise the temperature to 66C to get rid of the water. You can end with a tasty and effective pull and snap, but it won't be highly aromatic.

    For high residual terpenes, subzero LPG extraction works better.
    Hey man you seem to be knowledgeable about concentrates. I was going to see if you could point me in the right direction so that I can read up on how to make some good clean bho. I can email you if you prefer
    Until TAR blog site is back up, I don't know of a good written dialog, but email me at [email protected] and I can share articles.

    What kind of equipment do you have and what end product do you want to end up with?
    I just emailed you. And just a higher quality product.
    thanks for the info, i've been looking into icmag and all of your posts there and have gotten a lot of great info. Im looking for a stainless steel manifold with 3/8" inlets or preferably multiple sized inlet/outlets. what do you guys use for that or are your systems totally different?
    We weld in either nipples or half couplings into a sanitary spool of appropriate size.
    ok cool, after do some more research ive decided to build my own extractor and manifold from part off of glacier tanks. thanks alot for the help man
    do you have a good site for pressure gauges that are ss? cant seem to find and other than swagelock and i've got a feeling they're expensive lol
    I use a method that give me instant "budder" right out of the tube and I could just set aside and let dry (only reason I whip is it gives it the literal "honey comb" look) but with these runs that don't work, I can see the oily goo around the edges and crevices of the good budder. I could really use some advice if you have seen or run into this problem yourself? Thanks in advance
    And if there is a way I could reach you privately I would be happy to share my process with you if it helps you understand
    Hello sir! I have been making budder up here in Canada for some time now. And occasionally my runs turn out oily and gooey. Normally I have no problem getting a perfect budder texture, but for whatever reason some runs just shit the bed. Normally I heat and whip till the honey comb stops bubbling and is dry to touch. Except with these poo runs, it seems the more it gets whipped, it just cooks down into an oil...
    We import tubes for our kits from China, but in the US, Glaciertanks.com in Portland, Or, usually has a good selection.
    hey fadedawg. very interested in where i might get a nice tube similar to yours and possibily if you are able to give me some advice?
    I really want to take this is a science, and unfortunate my partner doesn't carry the same attitude. I've been reading for the past 2 months, and there are SO MANY different ways, and forms etc. its been having me on a man hunt! But I mainly just would like to perfect shatter, butter, crumble, and that sappy liquid you see light and yellow for 50g or more! Please email me at: ronniev415 @ gmail
    I would EVEN PAY YOU IF NECESSARY, to get your educational insight on the BEST PROCESSES for "dispensary quality shatter, budder, & crumble" and the best equipment I should purchase! Please email me at: ronniev415 @ gmail
    My friend has been blasting butane through glass tubes, and then purging it in a water bath, and his results vary, never the same.
    I have been looking around in the forums for a good concentrate kit but haven't found anything worth while. I have been buying trim and having my friend blast it, but I now have enough $ to start FRESH the RIGHT WAY! I would really like to know hands down the best forms of productions for "dispensary quality shatter, budder, & crumble" and the best equipment I should purchase.
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