Search results for query: pool shock

  1. curious2garden

    Make $2200 worth of "Clear Rez" for $4 !!!

    Chlorine lock refers to an overabundance of Cyanuric Acid in your pool. Cyanuric Acid preferentially binds with your Chlorine. You have to keep that in balance. Shock with no chlorine lock means it has no Cyanuric Acid and if you look at the active ingredients you see it's simply cal hypo. I...
  2. Hollatchaboy

    DWC water smells

    Imo, no. Hydroguard works better as a preventative, ime. Pool shock is when you have problems and preventative. This is just my experience though.
  3. B

    DWC water smells

    I should have phrased that better. These two products solve the same problem?
  4. Hollatchaboy

    DWC water smells

    Hydroguard is beneficial bacteria. Pool shock is calcium hypochlorite.
  5. B

    DWC water smells

    What's the difference between using this and hydroguard/SAG?
  6. Mr. Mohaskey

    DWC water smells

    Look up Sterile rez and chlorine. Pool Shock is your friend. There is a link around here often sited and is good. $2200 clear rez for.... Some will pipe up with the link. Hopefully Edit: pool shock for NaCl
  7. taproot

    Make $2200 worth of "Clear Rez" for $4 !!!

    What does the no chlorine lock mean, is that ph buffered? I'm wanting to pick up a bag of shock to start mixing my own solution in 2024 and can't find the old stuff I used to get.
  8. taproot

    Best alternatives to maxi line?

    Are you using pool shock? What does 2 ppm look like, 1gram per gallon? I contribute my hempy buckets looking so clean after harvest do to the chlorine in my city water but now I'm on a well and would like to add some back in a safe levels but unsure how to achieve it. I was wanting to use pool...
  9. Hollatchaboy

    Some advice on a lemon haze with trichomes that just seem to stay clear.

    Hydroguard works better as a preventative, imo. If you got algae bloom, pool shock will be more beneficial.
  10. R

    Make $2200 worth of "Clear Rez" for $4 !!!

    Close enough
  11. R

    Aeroponic Cloning Machine (recipe for success

    I have a 64 site EZ cloner inside a 2x2x3 tent... I try to keep it above 80. My question is do you think this Small fan is necessary in here.
  12. doublejj

    Aeroponic Cloning Machine (recipe for success

    I will be happy to answer your questions. I use 2gr of pool shock powder that is 68% Calcium Hypochlorite mixed in 1gl of water. I use 100mil of pool shock solution per 15 gl = 6.6mil per gl. So you could probably add a little more and be alright. Best of luck. Hope to see you at the BBQ...
  13. curious2garden

    Aeroponic Cloning Machine (recipe for success

    Roots take about 14 days and the warmer it is the longer it can take. You can get quick roots but mostly mine are between the 14-21 day point. You should come to @doublejj 's BBQ he offers free trim lessons :eyesmoke:
  14. R

    Aeroponic Cloning Machine (recipe for success time to answer. I will forever be in your debt. After reading your post and looking at your pictures my one and only concern is the pool shock. I purchased the shock last night at Walmart but when I got back to my house my scale was broken And I won't be able to get a new one until I...
  15. doublejj

    Aeroponic Cloning Machine (recipe for success

    I use Clonex & pool shock in my reservoirs. I run temp between 75-80f. 99% roots in 2 weeks. I use Clonex cloning solution per label directions....not the gel Here's 600+ clones in my setup. Best of luck
  16. doublejj

    Aero cloner questions

    i run my pumps 24/7 however i use 15gl reservoirs to keep the cloning solution from getting too hot. I like it to run between 75-80f. Clonex and pool shock in the solution. I get 98% roots in 2 weeks. Here's 600+ clones in my setup. Best of luck
  17. medidedicated

    Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent ec to alot so had to pre dissolve maxibloom in bucket with a wisk and is just too much. Or else it settles a big pile and cant really pool shock/ph it. Takes hrs to let wave maker dissolve. I got a blender lol. Any one use a blender for this purpose? Seems silly but it should do the...
  18. Jjgrow420

    Fabric pots...white shit..fuck

    ...with peroxide, alcohol, you can spray some baking soda or potassium bicarbonate around that will inhibit mold growth, hypochlorous acid, pool shock, ...etc etc. It's likely not bad, but personally I don't use fabric pots, this being one of the reasons. Elevating the pots on risers helps...
  19. Jjgrow420

    Autos are better than photos

    Man I found it to be the easiest and fastest method for me personally.....