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  1. Hashfinger017

    Thoughts on purple/red stems???

    So I’m just curious as to what some of you do for purple / red stems.... I have grown this strain in the past a few different phenos (GMO x MENDO BREATH) and have gotten a light purple but this one is super thick and almost red... I’m 100% organic using roots organics master pack line... have...
  2. Hashfinger017

    How much should I feed plant?

    growing in fox farm ocean forest 1000w hps 600w led 2ft above plants Feeding roots organics master pack 5ml per gallon Now I’m using organic nutrients but not necessarily growing 100% organic I’m using dechlorinated tap water and adjusting ph when needed to keep it around 6.5-6.8 I haven’t been...
  3. Hashfinger017

    Deficiency help

    so plants are doing fine for the most part I’m using fox farm ocean forest soil and running roots organics master pack line at 5ml per gal haven’t been feeding much ppm meter says about 600 ppm after mixing... I have small def on my older fan leaves in about week 3 of flower do I need to...
  4. Hashfinger017

    Calcium def?

    running fox farm ocean forest with phd water to 6.5 no nutes have been added up to this point only added a bit of dolomite lime to help balance ph in soil... thinking it’s calcium def... it’s only on 2 of my fan leaves other than that my girls are kicking ass... just looking for opinions
  5. Hashfinger017

    Ppm talk and proper nutrient ratio

    so I had some problems with a few plants I came here for help and got wonderful tips from many people and my plants seem to have come back and are looking strong again.... My question now is what ppm should I be feeding at. I was told by someone that my nutrients are very weak... indeed they are...
  6. Hashfinger017

    Suggestion on old deficiency

    hello I came here a few weeks ago with a yellowing fan leaf problem... I have been giving my plants regular nutrients at about half dose 2.5 ml (roots organics liquid nutrients). Ppm-200-300 Ph -6.5 -6.8 Soil/coco mix (not the best idea) I have not added too much cal mag due to my tap water...
  7. Hashfinger017

    Need opinion on def

    so I’m a noob just started growing had plants in red solos haven’t been giving them nutes which I should have been... started seeing weird signs of deficiencies... I was thinking salts because I was using hard water... I transplanted into 3 gal pots and have recently got a water filter hooked up...
  8. Hashfinger017

    Need some help

    I’ll break it down from the beginning... sprouted seeds using tap water (not filtered I’m sure it’s very hard water) I continued to use this water for about a month until getting the frizzlife under sink filter.... I noticed my leaves starting to show signs of deficiency(no nutes added yet) at...
  9. Hashfinger017

    1st time grower problems

    Ok guys need some help here... I started some seeds and used tap water which is definitely hard water.. used this water throughout weeks 2-4 before buying a filter pretty sure I had salts build up or something but my plants are messed up.. I flushed all the plants (which were in red solo cups)...