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  1. R

    What would you do?

    So my grow room is taking a bit longer that thought to build and I have a table full of plants that are getting too big and close to light. I have 2 options drop my table or top my plants. Plants are almost 3ft tall at the moment and my room won’t be finished for another week or so I have my...
  2. R

    Burnt or pollinated

    So I’m 39days into flower I went away for 4 days I had my brother look after plants I came back and all hairs are brown look burnt only the top of the top buds are like this. He said he sprayed some safers 3 in 1 but I doubt that would do this? Could they be burnt from sprayed during lights on...
  3. R

    Browning of hairs 31days/5th week into flower

    31 days into flower this plant had 2 stress nanners on her so I chopped bud that nanners were On they were very small but chance it could have pollinated what u guys think
  4. R

    Stress nanners

    So just got a question I put a dehumidifier in my 4x4 tent however I didn’t realize when became full a red light came on now the 1 plant closest to light had a few nanners that I picked off but I noticed trichrome development is far behind others and on buds that had nanner about 60-70% of hairs...