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  1. R

    Rust spots help

    Help!!!!! Ive noticed it about 2 or 3 days ago. Thought it was a phosphorus deficiency or calmag deficiency. Gave 2ml per gal extra of both and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Theres so much conflicting info and its quite confusing to a newbie. Thx
  2. R

    Autoflower clone

    Recently I was watering my plants and broke off a tip. I left it in the coco to break down and be available to the plant. Well 4 days later and its still alive pointing up, so I put it into my AeroGarden. Its now 48hrs in and its doing better than it was in the pot. Any info would be great chime in.
  3. R

    Newbie feedback wyt

    Ok, here's an update. The environment is 83° and 60-65% humidity. They are on a 20/4 light schedule. Feeding foxfarm trio veg nutes with calmag and at 850ppm and a ph of 5.8 - 6.0. I did a run off test the ppm was 160 after 3 days of just and a e.c. of 700. I think im getting the hang of it but...
  4. R

    Male or female help

    I have 3 autos going they all were popped a week apart. The last 2 to pop are showing that they a fems but this one I cant tell. Thx
  5. R

    HELP!!! Autos not looking good with slow growth.

    I have 3 bluedream autos going and their not growing anymore and turning light green. Runing a giixer 1k and humidifier. The light is 20 inches away and the humidity is 70% with a temp of 72. Im a newby and dont know what to do. The first pic sprouted on 9/10 and 5 days later for the last pic...