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  1. Z

    question for oregon med patients

    hey fellow med patients. last week i finally got the 200 bucks together and went to a thcf clinic where i was approved for medical marijuana. needless to say im ecstatic. however there is one slight problem, i am a college student and i will be moving in with my parents this summer untill next...
  2. Z

    noob needs help with ventelation

    i have searched all over and cannot find the answer to my Question. i am trying to design a grow room that will be about 6' by 3.5' by 8' it will be divided into 2 rooms. one room will have a 1000 watt mh light, the other room will have 1000 watt hps light. both of the hoods are air cooled. i...
  3. Z

    best light for cloning

    hey i am setting up an aeroponic system with a 1000 watt mh light for veg. and a 1000 watt hps in the budding room. my question is can i start clones in my veg. room under the Mh or should i get florescent for that?
  4. Z

    am i eligible for medical marijuana

    Hey i am 18 years old and have been suffering from headaches (usually 1 to 3 or more a week) since i was a child. i have been on medication for these headaches but i would like to take a new and more natural approach to living with these headaches. it is my opinion that these headaches are most...