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  1. Sicklyminded

    Second CLF DIY Stealth Hydroponic Grow

    Hello everyone! I'm back with more seeds and hoping this grow will be way more successful than the last attempt. WISH ME LUCK :weed: Attached are my seeds in the germinating stage. They will be there hopefully for another day only. Subscribe and stay updated! :!:
  2. Sicklyminded

    Do you think my local head shop would sell me seeds?

    Has anyone experienced this scenario. You go to your local head shop which carries salvia, one hitters, pipes, rolling paper, hookahs, ect. Here is the scenario... i'm sketchy about the whole internet buying thing since i live in the US so i was wondering if any one has ever purchased seeds...
  3. Sicklyminded

    Shout Outs and Sounds Offs

    This is the musicians thread... If you play an instrument, are in a band, are in to audio engineering, enjoy smoking, or just dicks around with a guitar, here is the place for you Post links to your music here weather it be youtube, myspace, pure volume, or your own website, just throw it up...
  4. Sicklyminded

    Throwin a Big WHAT UP from the Boogie Down Bronx baby.

    Hey everyone! It's a pleasure being here on the forums and an interesting new hobby I'm taking up ::bigjoint:. Call me Sick or Slick which ever your prefer. I'm 19 from the BX! I look forward to sharing what little knowledge I have with you. :D
  5. Sicklyminded

    Stealth Hydro Journal - Panama Red

    This is a short journal of my plants growth from seed to bud. I'm a first time grower. There will be pics in every update. Feel free to subscribe. I have developed my own bubbler system using some stuff out f my recycle bin. Total cost 10$. I have germinated the seeds for about 2 days and...
  6. Sicklyminded

    I need some advice with my stealth grow box desperately!

    Hi, ok so the problem here is lighting, temp., and CO2 management. Here are the questions need answering. 1. I'm growing a computer case with a bubbler system and my young seedling is beginning to wilt. How important is the night cycle of the plants life? 2. Is too much CO2 good or no...
  7. Sicklyminded

    My Stealth Hydro System

    Hello everyone! I'm new here on the forums and wanted to show off my stealth hydro bubbler system. PLEASE!!!!!!! feel free to critique my grow room. Let me know the pro or cons or both, what I'm doing wrong or right, and just about anything that needs to be said about this construction...