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  1. S

    digest plastic baggies?

    had to swallow a bag the other night.. had some police issues (turned out i never actually got searched, but better safe than sorry in my book.) swallowed 3g in a plastic baggie (not a ziplock) chewed it a few times before i swallowed it, but am wondering if my stomach is going to dissolve...
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    jail possibly?

    was pulled over last night.. charged with misuse of marker plates, driving w/o insurance, failure to pull to right side of road these are all the lowest class misdemeanor i think however, they do allow for up to 90 days imprisonment and 1000$ fine. (minimum of zero days and 100$) i've NEVER...
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    power lines.. how close is too close?

    title says it all!
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    How much dirt to buy....

    Site is 1/2-3/4 mile from road.. rough terrain getting in. Native soil doesnt seem to promising. Partner and i plan to carry in some cheap topsoil from the depot. (yes going to add fert/perlite etc) The question is how many bags to buy? Growing in large 15gal pots. The topsoil comes in...
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    Himalayan Gold Outdoor

    Anybody have experience with this strain from Greenhouse Seed Co? Seems to be one of the higher yielding outdoor indicas. I was really hoping to grow something hydroponically indoors this year, but can't due to security issues. Found a great plot outdoors. Isolated, sunny, and lots of water...
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    Sea of Lightbulbs

    will be trying out my new growbox.. its small, but bigger than a PC tower at least i plan on babying a few white widows, using the SCROG method. i'll have about 6 42w CFLs suspended an inch or so over the canopy. i'd like to put some under the screen as well since the CFLs dont really...
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    Fish, Seaweed, Etc.

    might be doing some outdoor gardening this year.. will be digging a pretty big hole and putting my own soil in it. (good topsoil w/perlite and worm castings) i've heard of people throwing whole fish into the bottom of such holes.. i work on a fishing boat so have plenty of fish! any...
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    growing very close to water

    hi all :) i'm rather limited in sunny areas to grow, my best spot by FAR (clear sky facing south/east/west, not massive trees) one possible problem.. it's very close to a small stream. like.. the plants would be only 3' from the riverbank or so. the soil should be pretty good though...
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    virgin farmer, few questions

    Been reading these boards here for a few days, very informative! Keep up the good work! Anyways, plan to try a small stealth grow in a speaker cab. It measures 13x13x31. Plan to grow in soil with 4-6 CFLs. I've been looking for a strain small enough to do OK in such a confined space. Anybody...