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  1. jwn

    RIU Guitar Lovers Pic Post

    I'm interested to see what guitars the players here have. I currently own two and have been playing for about 3 years. My Acoustic is a Yamaha APX500 Electro Acoustic and My Electric Guitar is a Epiphone Les Paul Standard.
  2. jwn

    Climbing a 1,768 foot Tower

    Had this video being passed around the office today, figured I would share it here. It's a helmet cam video of a guy climbing a transmission tower. At first I thought it wasn't too bad then by the end I'm thinking screw that shit...
  3. jwn

    Edible Ice Guns

    Who comes up with this shit?
  4. jwn

    Bad Religion, rockin the punk scene for 30 years

    Any Bad Religion fans here? 2BUrdazftS0 RGqA1lNXYhg
  5. jwn

    Bad Trip Experiences?

    Just wondering if anyone out there has any bad trip stories they would like to share.
  6. jwn

    Street Thief

    Anyone see this under the radar gem of a flick on netflix? I stumbled across it last night and found it interesting to watch a crime flick that was more realistic than the usual crap Hollywood puts out there. For those who haven't seen it or never heard of it, it's a "documentary" of 2 film...
  7. jwn


    I have been juggling the idea for a couple of years of moving out to Oregon from Ohio. I just got laid off at the end of February and have enough in my "rainy day" fund to make this happen. I have a few questions for the locals, what are some of the better cities/towns to move to in Oregon? I...
  8. jwn

    Another friendship bites the dust

    So I would like to share my story from the past weekend. I traveled to a wedding to support my friend of 12 years as he was the best man for our other friends wedding we were attending. Afterwards my friend asked if he could spend a few days to visit before he traveled back down south to his...