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  1. B

    When is the earliest signs of sex come into play?

    When is the earliest that my plants will show their sex? Do they usually show during flowering or is there any way that they will show during veg.? I need some advice on this and what is the best way to tell the difference between male and female?
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    Good Question for those looking to post

    Well, if you have male plants and you don't necessarily throw them away. What are some other things that they could be of use for? Can you still smoke them or why is it that every wants to get rid of them. I understand separating them from the females becasue they will pollinate and make seeds...
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    Whats the best?

    Well I have a serious of questions and I wanted to get different opinions on them. Well here's the first What is the best grow room set up according to you? Start with the light, go to the walls and then the pots? soil or rockwool? Next What is the best form of growing? Do you prefer nutes...
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    set up is three t12 6500k daylight bulbs. white walls, fan for circulation. these plants are about three weeks old. just wanted to know some general info on them. what kind are they, sativa or indica? and do they look alright and any suggestions on how to make them better. the soil is miracle...
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    general questions for a beginner

    how do you tell the difference between indica and sativa and if you are growing bag seeds can you tell which one they are and also can you find out the strain from bag seeds?
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    Help me out

    Help me out a little here. here are my plants as of now. they are going to be 3 weeks old on monday. i just wanted some input on how you guys think they are doing. another opinion always helps. also one of my plants has a two whitish/yellow spots on a tea leaf. what is that and can i fix it? you...
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    planting in new soil

    i want to re pot my plants, is it alright to re pot my plants and put the stem further in the soil? will the plants die or will they be alright?
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    questions about lighting?

    right now im starting out using three 20 watt T12 plant and aquarium flourescent grow lights...i was wondering if i was to switch it to a 400 watt MH light set up would that be better and would it save time when i want to bud my plants? would i need another light to do the budding or could i do...
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    Burned leaves

    i believe that my young plants have burned leaves? How can I fix this and will they get better? also how do you know if your light is too close to the plants?
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    i see spots on the leaves

    hello, my plants seem to blossoming well but there are a few white spots showing up. They are two weeks old. what are the white spots and how can i fix it?
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    Concerned about height of the plants?

    my plants are about two weeks old and have grown about 3 and a half to 4 inches tall and have started to lean in different directions. is there any way for me to straighten them about or what is the best thing to do. they look healthy im just worried that maybe they are too tall?
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    Help with my lighting situation

    Whats up...i was wondering if i needed to change up my lighting situation. I am growing right now on a two foot, two bulb flourescent light set up with two T12 Plant and Aquarium lights. The plants have sprouted and grow really well. I got 9 out of 10 do start out strong. I was just wondering...