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  1. R

    Help With Seed

    hello,sry my'my seed has cracked open and i see white but no more than that for 2 days.the shell is lose open so,can i open it??and then what next?,has anyone experience in this situation? im useing paper towel method.
  2. R

    watering q

    hi, im always thinking about the same it goes... if i feel my soil pots are light,when there is about 30 min to dark hours,should i water them properly OR 1/2 the amount,???becus in dark hours the temp can go down to 16dgr celsius,therefor danger of mold is present....what do you do??
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    pot Q

    silly Q:is it better to have white pots instead of black,becus black gets hotter for the roots an dry the soil faster?
  4. R

    watering Q.

    hi,im wondering???i´m watering my Blueberry 1,5 liters every morning and the pot in semi ligth in the evening wtf? i mix my soil 70%s 29%perlite 1% water cristals,and she is wery healthy:) Q is is it okay to water half the amount in the dark hours?and would it be better for my buds?
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    trimming advice needed

    hi guys is it good or bad to cut the sucker leafs(that aren´t gettin ligth)off,she´s bushy blueberry 5 veeks into flowering,is it only beneft first weeks??
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    pre preflower quest

    hi,isn´t there a diffrence in smoking male vegging fan leafs vs female vegging fan leafs ore other parts?? just wondering becos isn´t there more thc in female plants from day 1 ??
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    hi my plants are on 24h light,can i give them 6 hours of darkness once,and then put´em back on 24 again without stressing them big time?i have a repairguy wisiting me whom will be all over my place and i don´t want him to discover my grow,
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    low odor strain???

    you guys know of any,for my closet grow other than blueberry???witch im growing yeah,smokeon
  9. R

    help..what is going on with my clones??pics inc.

    hello i´we been visiting this forum often,great i need some help from you guys with my clones. they are 1 1/2 week old,temp is 26_28 celsius moist is 80_90% they have ph balanced water with small amount of nut,i spray them evry 2 hours, they have been under 3x cfl 34w and now i´we...
  10. R

    ready or not???

    hi its my first grow its a blueberry ,veg 2x35w cfl flower 250hps in 5f by 2f, soil,and im not sure if to harvest im looking for blend of up n down can anyone comment on readyness?
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    sleeping time

    my englis is not good sorry,hi im plants are on 12/12 on week 1. silly Q...anyways.can i move them around while they sleep,wouldnt i wake them up r someting.i mean lifting them...of cours in total darness thou.what do u guys think?