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  1. L

    Question about harvest time

    Hey guys, I have a small plant outside that I just determined was a female. As the fall comes, when will I begin seeing evidence of flowering and budding? September?
  2. L

    How good is this vapo?

    CGP sells a $60 vaporizer. Is it worth it? Do you think it will work well?
  3. L

    Chunky Glass Pipes Review - They are legit

    Hey guys, I have read online that Chunky Glass Pipes has gotten a poor reputation for ripping people off. But that was not the case with my order that I placed on May 29th, 2009, and I received it exactly 7 days after I placed it. Despite what other sites may say, CGP is legitimate and did...
  4. L

    Leaves are flimsy

    So I just put one of my plants outside, but for some reason the leaves are just so flimsy and can't stand on their own. My first problem was keeping it in too small of a pot so the roots sort of died, and the plant was not strong at all. I put it in some good soil and do you think the roots...
  5. L

    So some animal got my plant...

    So a deer or a mouse of some sort got my plant. It was my fault for not repelling it in the first place. Anyway, the whole plant is not destroyed, but just it was basically topped. There are no leaves left except the two original round ones. Does this plant have any chance of survival if I...
  6. L

    Stem broke, am I ok?

    So I recently transplanted my tiny plant outside to veg until the fall, but when I came out today, it appears that the wind snapped the little stem. So, I took a stick and some string, and I propped the plant up as best I could. Will I be fine?
  7. L

    A little browning

    Hi guys, My plant has a little browning around the edge of one of my leaves. It is a white widow. My light is a few inches away from the plant, and I am using a reflective blanket purchased from wal-mart. Thanks
  8. L

    When will natural 12/12 come?

    Will the natural 12/12 come at the end of August, or like in the middle of October?
  9. L

    What plot is the best?

    Is a plot with direct sunlight a good plot, or is a plot where there is a little shade from other tree's branches a workable spot? I have a choice between a direct sunlight spot and one that isn't in direct sunlight. Which one is better?
  10. L

    Outdoor Grow Question

    Hi all; I have a plant that is a good seedling size, it's scissors leaves are getting bigger by the day. I want to plant it outside and let it veg. When do you think it will be ready to harvest? Will it flower without doing anything to the lighting and stuff, just because it is an older and...
  11. L

    Outdoor Growing Questions

    I have a seedling, so if I plant it outside now, will it bud in the fall? Or will it bud earlier? When planting outdoors, should I just leave it there and let it veg? When will it begin to flower?
  12. L

    Where to get double CFL?

    Where do you all get your double CFL lights and other supplies? Is Wal-Mart a good stop to try first?
  13. L

    Tin foil, or no?

    I have one plant growing and I wrapped tin foil around the light and the plant. Should I not use tin foil because it may burn the plant? It is about 5 days old and it has been going 24/0 all days. Should I let it go for a night without any light? Or should I continue with 24/0?
  14. L

    What is vegging? + other questions

    What is vegging? Right now my seedling is very small and it is on 24/0. How long should I keep it on 24/0 till I switch to 18/6? How long should I stay in 18/6 before switching to 12/12? Thanks for the help.
  15. L

    The Male Buds

    Is there any part of a male plant that is worth smoking?
  16. L

    Will my technique work?

    On a plate, I wet a paper towel, placed the seed on top, and then placed another wet paper towel on top of the seed. Then I covered it all with a bowl. Do you think this will work, or should I just place the seed in a small shot glass and let it soak in there? Which process is better?
  17. L

    Root up or root down?

    When planting the germinated seed, should the root go up or the root go down?