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  1. oHIGHo™

    Name that Bud!

    I had 3 bag seeds I saved from an .oz around 2019 or 2020. I do not remember what. They were the only 3 seeds in the bag. After Ohio made it legal to grow I started them in January. Only one sprouted. As I was growing and reading I misunderstood exactly when I should flip it so I let it get...
  2. oHIGHo™

    Calculating flowering time

    Dumb question but here goes..... Ok I know it's something like 12 to 14 weeks of flower time before harvest, depending on the strain, but when you say 12 to 14 weeks, do you mean from the day the plant was flipped or from the day the the first flowering action was observed? For example: 5 weeks...