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  1. dankh

    been working on this site, tell me what you think..

    hey tokers. my and my glassblowing friend are starting a website called i'm building the site on my own with my minimal skills but it's coming along not too badly.
  2. dankh


    hey kids. hope everyone's having a good kick off this week. i've been on a laptop for over a year and i finally got my pc setup again so you'll be seeing more of me. :bigjoint:
  3. dankh

    Man.. what the hell am I doing..

    Hi.. so I'm in a panic because I'm trying to save and grow these plants without any pre-existing knowledge of what in the mother fuck to do. More dots? MORE DOTS! Me and the S/O were talking about growing, I had some seeds, she decided to toss them into the back yard. All of them. So they...
  4. dankh

    now what the hell do i do (many pics)

    I started growing like 2 months ago, something like that. The following are pictures I started with and the last few are where I'm at now. And as far as what my plants look like, EVERYTHING I'VE SEEN ON THE FORUM TELLS ME I'M DOING IT WRONG. Two factors: First, I had to transplant them from the...
  5. dankh

    now what the hell do i do (many pics)

    I started growing like 2 months ago, something like that. The following are pictures I started with and the last few are where I'm at now. And as far as what my plants look like, EVERYTHING I'VE SEEN ON THE FORUM TELLS ME I'M DOING IT WRONG. Two factors: First, I had to transplant them from the...
  6. dankh

    If you were me, what would YOU do? Consider this an emergency.

    I ask because I need some can-do solutions to determine what's within my budget and what can be done quickly. Backstory: A few years ago my dealer's supplier fucked up the lighting and got a bunch of males. I wound up with a bag full of seeds that I kept of Sour Diesel. Today: I've wanted to...
  7. dankh

    Marijuana may be legalized, regulated, and taxed in Cali..,9171,1552034,00.html Oh, and hi.