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  1. S

    any ideas? low budget...lots of time

    After finding 2 seeds in a bag of some good i decided to say what the hell why not germinate them. both germinated, and were placed in small white dixie bathroom cups with soil and placed about 16 inches away from a 13w cfl bulb. they were not transplanted into 2 liter bottles until about 13-14...
  2. S

    need help determining certain strains

    hey guys! great news i hope. a friend of mine just came back from cali and brought me a few presents... about 20 seeds of 5 types of strains.... however...i can't seem to figure out what a few of them are, or if they are even real strains or just a name written on a tag. they were not...
  3. S

    growing with gatorade

    i once read in a book that this guy watered his lawn with gatorade, and it grew amazingly... in the same book it said that coca cola removes oil stains from driveways, which turned out to be true! but anyways...anybody tried it? fact or myth?
  4. S

    "bubbleponics" 600w system

    worth it? any experience? new to growing and i like package deals, but can a good setup really be acheived through them?
  5. S

    anybody know how to use autocad?

    anybody? anybody? i downloaded a copy...about to install and only have limited experience with CAD... im trying to create a vaporizor...
  6. S

    how to make cheap but effective electric vaporizor (pics soon)

    Ever wanted a vaporizer but didnt have hundreds of dollars to spend? Well, i spent many hours up last night devising a plan that WORKS!! cheap and effective. Materials needed: Ceramic pot ("rainy day fund" change jar") w/ cork for top at least 4" diameter Glass vase with a v shape...