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  1. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Hi fellas. We have this little plant. It is in its 10th day flowering. It is a Diesel Ryder. It stoped to produce pistils 4 or 5 days ago. Her pistils are kind of dying. And it have strange big calyxes that I'm not sure if are male organs (hermie) or seeded calyxes. Is it a...
  2. Robertx

    Resin coated Tobbacco

    Just feel like sharing you you guys a tip i've been using for years. An I'm sure many, many of you know this: When rolling a spliff with tobbacco, put only pure tobbacco towards the mouth end of the spliff. As the weed burns, it baths the tobbacco in the roach with resin. Than store some of...
  3. Robertx

    Bone meal

    Hi there, My plants are starting flowering and they are showing a lil P deficiency (pinkish-orange leaf tips) I thought of bone meal, but have a question: what is the best method to apply it? - Top dressing? - Mix it with the water and feed the plant? - Mix it in the soil mix (for the next...
  4. Robertx

    Molasses as pest control

    Did you know that molasses can be used to kill pests? Here where I live, organic farmers are using molasses tea as foliar spray. They say it can keep pests far from their tomatoes and other crops.
  5. Robertx


    Has anyone experience with LSA? I like the stuff very much, it is a long time since i took HBW tha last time. But one thing that always puzzle me: every time I ingest HBW seeds they dont kick in. I must smoke a MJ joint and after about 60 to 90 minutes after I ingested the seeds... and...
  6. Robertx

    Porn porn porn!!!!

    Hi ppl. This is the next plant I'll chop. Grown from seed with only TWO 23w CFLs red spectrum (2700k). No wonder why it is so small.... not bigger than 8 inches tall. But looks tasty! The stain is G13 labs poison dwarf auto.
  7. Robertx


    Hi RIU moderator(s), what about a Photography forum. "Post you pictures" might be a sub-forum under the Photography Discussion forum, where people would be encouraged to discuss Photography taking oriented to Plant/Macro photography, of course. And people would post tips on taking nice macro...
  8. Robertx

    Pistils dying before growing

    Hi guys, I have some weird stuff going on in one of my females. It is a Diesel Ryder Auto in soil. She is in 2nd week flowering and very few pistils. It has the calyxes and when the pistils start to show they turn brown and die even before growing, while they are milimetricaly small...
  9. Robertx

    Is this soil ok?

    I planted 3 autoflower seeds today (1 Poison Dwarf and 2 Diesel Ryders) in my first 100% organic soil. My last and first harvest was entirely chemical, and the bud tasted BITTER and harsh. I want good tasting stuff this time around!! My soil is: 1 pt Peat 1 pt Humus 1 pt Chicken Manure 2...
  10. Robertx

    This is so cool!

    Alright, it is not a novelty for most of you, but it is so damn cool anyway.... I just bought a bottle converter to convert a bottle into a bong! They are cheaper and cooler than "pro" bongs IMO.... and mine came with 3 hoses for 3 ppl to toke at the same time! Dman, thats cool.... :-P
  11. Robertx

    Honey as fertilizer?

    Hi organic dudes! Just wondering if anyone ever tryed honey as fertilizer? As molasses substitute... if so, what were the results? I was thinking of adddding like 1 teaspoon of pure bee honey to 1 gal. of water. My instincts tell me it is good for flowering (yeah, I'm all about instinctive...
  12. Robertx

    Indirect sun light question

    Hey outdoor guys! I have a simple question. I have some autoflowering plants indoors along with some pure sativas. It is time to 12/12 the sativas, so I will put them outdoors since I have a lot of outdoors space, but..... ...I have no direct sun light. This time of the year the sun...
  13. Robertx

    Please help - Hermie freaks or plain males?

    Hi guys... I need a help from experienced growers... The pictures are from feminized auto seeds (Pakistan Ryder by WOS). They are showing male traits, like lots of seed-sized balls growing together like GRAPE! They are in 1st week flowering, and no white hairs. Only green/yellowish...
  14. Robertx

    Low wattage HPS, heat and micro grows...

    Yo fellow gardeners! I have a question for ppl with experience using HPS bulbs... I plan on geting a HPS for flowering for a small space: (1 x 1 ft) 2 ft high. Today I use CFLs. I was thinking about a 70 WATT HPS....but the price is about the same of a 150 watt. My question is: is...
  15. Robertx

    Autoflower not flowering - a question

    yo fellas! A simple question here.... I have 2 autoflowering plants, one of them is on day 40 from sprout and the other on day 27. None of them are showing signs of sex yet, no preflowers and they are supposed to start flowering about day 30 if not earlier!!!!! I changed the light...
  16. Robertx

    Mini grow tent.... under construction with pics! Will update as work progresses :-)

    Here it is folks. Dimensions: 2' high x (1' x 1'4'' wide) Designed to keep 4 short plants (autoflowering dwarfs). Will cover it with plain white PVC and put 3 PC fans - two for air intake and and one for exhaust with a home-made carbon filter attached. Light tight, except for the...
  17. Robertx

    Surf the web with ANONYMITY! Useful for ALL!

    Tor Homepage FAQ Wiki The Tor project is an Open Source software project that provides a nice level of anonymity for web users...
  18. Robertx

    First time grow - Pakistan Ryder Autoflowering, CFL!!

    Hi Guys.... Here starts my little quest. - Day 1 - 26/03/2009: Started germinating 2 of my 3 feminized seeds. Paper towel method, covered with a cup upside down and put inside a cardboard box. - Day 2 - 27/03/2009: No sign of roots. Put one of them inside a pre-heated owen, about 34...
  19. Robertx

    Noob question - lights + sprouts

    Hi guys.... A Noob question for u experienced growers: I germinated 2 Pakistan Ryder Autoflowering seeds yesterday. The roots began to show (one of them was 2 inches!!!), I took them and planted each one on a vase 1/3'' deep into the soil. Watered the soil, and..... I´m eager to see...
  20. Robertx

    Help with a micro growbox

    Hi smart friends, I´m making a very little and stealth growbox, to be put inside a closet. I feel I need some advice, it´ll be my 1st time growing. My space is only 26 inches in height, a couple of inches taller than 2'. I had managed to solve everything, but as a first timer I...