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  1. F

    Harvesting seeds

    My friend has got a plant thats been pollinated. It has a fair few seeds but when do you know when it's ready to harvest? He took a few pods of but the seeds were more grey than brown (they are supposed to be brown, right?) and a little soft.
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    If you found a seed pod on your plant, how many seeds would come from 1 pod?
  3. F

    How often to feed plants?

    How often would you need to feed if using a product like biobloom?
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    What results have you had with top max/bio heaven?

    Are biobizz top max/bio heaven any good? Do they go along with bio bloom/grow or instead of? Are they really worth it?
  5. F

    If you're interested in the effects of salvia

    watch this:
  6. F

    Sunburnt leaves

    Hey, a friend left his plant on the window ledge and the sun has burnt a few of the leaves. The tips are yellow but slowly the healthy part of the leaf is withering aswell. Can anything be done
  7. F

    Is there really much difference between lowryder hybrids?

    Ok, you've got ak47's, nc diesel, white moscow, white dwarf, auto hindu etc. To be honest on the grow journals i wouldn't be able to tell one from the other. White dwarf is obviously crossed with a highly respected strain "white widow". Has anyone tried the wd and noticed a difference? Has...
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    Cant view replies to my own threads

    Hi, i can see my post and can see the number of replies that's been left but these wont show. Has this happened to anyone else?
  9. F

    What's a good nutient??

    Ok, i've read posts about nutrients. Someone was saying AN sensi grow was amazing but he seamed like a sales rep. Another posted an anecdote about him proving that the labels were misleading and crops died. What's a straight forward pref eco fiendly/organic formula plant food?
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    Has anyone succesfully made feminised seeds?

    Have you made feminised seeds before? What are the chances of making a hamaphrodite strain instead? What method did you use to feminise?
  11. F

    If lowryders mature in 8 weeks how long from seed to flower?

    I thought lowryders grow from seed to harvest in about 8 weeks. I now realise it means 8 weeks from when it starts to flower. How long would it take for a seed to grow to flowering stage? In short what would be the approx time for a lowryder to go from seed to harvest??
  12. F

    who grows for seeds?

    Who grows for the purpose of generating more seeds? Are there any guidelines i.e. when to harvest? Do you pull the seed pods of or kill the plant first? when are the seeds right to harvest?
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    Mimimum amount of light an autoflowering strain can take??

    Greetings. What is the least amount of daylight hours a lowryder/lowlife/auto strain can take and still grow? Could you grow using natural light throughout winter?
  14. F

    Question about lowlife ak47

    Hi, my friend has some lowlife ak47 that he started just over a week ago. As you know thses plants are supposed to be small. The main stalk has grown to about 7inches in a week and the 1st leaves are less than a cm and the leaves growing from the very top are about a quater of a cm long. Is this...