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  1. B

    Lumens per SF according to the inverse square law HELP

    I just cant get thing right mathematically, maybe someone can help me. If i put a lamp 1.5f above the canopy, according to the inverse square law a 600w HSP(~90K lumens) will make 40K FC(90000/1.5*1.5). If i want to have 7K lumens per SF it means that i need 600w HSP on every ~5.7 SF...
  2. B

    Light distance and lumens per SF for SOG

    Im going to grow SOG style and i have few questions: 1. For 600w HPS, what should be the distance between the lamp and the top of the canopy ? From what iv'e read it should be around 1.5 feet. Should i increase it to 2f because im going for SOG or it shouldnt be different ? 2. What should be...
  3. B

    Big grow op questions

    Hello. I have some questions about big grow op. Everything here is theoretical as im not planing on going that big(yet hehe)- I just want to spark my imagination a bit :) Lets say you have 30*20 room(600 sq. foot) - one big empty space. How would you design things in order to produce as much as...