Search results

  1. Gemini8555

    PC/Veg, MiniFridge/Flower Grow (1st Grow. Evar!)

    Hey guys, welcome to my first legit grow. I germinated the seeds last week for a few days and finally put the little ones in the ground Saturday (2009.09.12). Here are some pics from the first day. Picture of the Cradle: Here's a picture of the babies in the cradle: And here is a picture of...
  2. Gemini8555

    CFM/Ventilation Question

    Hey all! Got a biigggggg heat problem. I recently built a mini fridge grow case (4.4 cubic feet) and started running some tests on it before puttin' the babies in. Since the fridge is still insulated and there is no way to remove the insulation without completely gutting it (nooooooo), I need to...
  3. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Ladies and Gents!- Howdy howdy all and welcome to my first time grow. I'm decided to shake it up a bit and make a stealth grow using a mini-fridge I had lying around from the good ole' days of yore. That bein' said: Pull up a chair, read the specs and check the progress from nursery building...
  4. Gemini8555

    Outdoor Grow Conditions

    Yo guys and dolls. Long time smoker, first time grower with a few questions. I'm looking to plant a crop of Indica for harvest late August/September. My locale is California with plenty of sun but the summer months can reach upwards of 110 during the day. I live in the 'Burbs but my backyard...