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  1. Remembergrass

    Simple Humidifier

    Marijuana likes a high humidity when it grows. For those of you with simpler or smaller indoor grows, a simple trick like this might help you increase humidity. Take a jar or cup of any size, depending on how large the space is, and fill it with water. Then, take some old newspaper and roll it...
  2. Remembergrass

    Would Deer Do This?

    I went to check on one of my plants today, and reapply the deer deterrent since we just finished with some heavy rain; and the top of my plant was completely gone, just as if it had been cut off. There was a large bud forming there two days before. At first I thought a person must have done it...
  3. Remembergrass


    I'm sorry I can't post pictures, I lost the cord to my camera, but I recently found that one of my best plants is a hermaphrodite. It started out with pistils, so I thought it was female, however I checked it yesterday and noticed that it had started to grow pollen sacks. What do I do with it...
  4. Remembergrass

    Companion Planting

    Has anyone ever tried companion planting for pest prevention? I was thinking about putting ramps ( beside my plants to keep away bugs. Lemon balm, which produces a citronella like oil, was another plant I considered. Any thoughts?
  5. Remembergrass


    There are incredible amounts of deer near the area I have plants. At one time I saw six deer in the vicinity of one of my plants. I read about an egg solution of 80/20 water and egg yolks respectively. I applied it to the plants a few days ago.Hopefully it's working. I'll keep posting on how...