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  1. ChuckyHigh PR

    About Springtails(Collembola)

    Just did a lil reserch on these and got a lil info for everybody =) any sugestions are welcome... Springtails or Collembola play a positive role in the establishment of plant-fungal symbioses and thus are beneficial to agriculture. They also contribute to control plant fungal diseases...
  2. ChuckyHigh PR

    Whats wrong with her??

    She was doing just fine a while back but the leaves started turning yellow and are kinda droopy I really dont know whats wrong cuz this never happened to me before
  3. ChuckyHigh PR

    Cloning question

    Can I clone with my cutting having only single blade leaves?
  4. ChuckyHigh PR

    Flowering Problem

    My plant is still kinda small and i think like a month old or so,i really dont know.My problem is that its flowering waaaaay to soon i feel.I havent had this problem in previous grows. Anyways can i reverse this or do something to stop this??
  5. ChuckyHigh PR

    Hey everybody!!

    ChuckyHigh here!! or u can just call me CH :-P I do have some exp growing but i would really love to learn much much more! See u guys on the forums!