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  1. discobisco

    Growing OP (the movie)

    has anyone seen this movie? low budge actors. and a bunch of heddy chronic. I would definatley serve chronic creme brule' to my own parents. haha comments?
  2. discobisco


    I usually skip threads like this when I join a forum; but seeing has how topics discussed might need some cred, I decided to deviate. I do not grow.. I do not sell for profit.. I just dodge out of work and toke on the reg. I've been tokin for 10 yearz. I'm currently on a smoking haitus for...
  3. discobisco

    Clean a double chamber?

    What is the best way to clean that damn double chamber? I've tried using a soak from the hedshop, but it still leaves residue... Last thing I've heard: Use crushed up polident. Haven't tried it yet, figured I'd run it by this crew first. tnx