Search results

  1. wanna be stanky

    possible shemale please look

    this is a white widow 6 weeks into flowering , seems like just overnight it started developing these yellowish pods . could this be a hermi in late stages ? should i cut it down ?
  2. wanna be stanky

    the perfect 10x10 grow room

    wondering what the perfect setup would be for a 10 x 10 grow room keeping the electric cost down while being able to harvest every 60 days . using soil.....any thoughts ??????
  3. wanna be stanky

    survey on monthly electrical cost

    i would like to start a survey on average monthly electrical cost for indoor grow rooms through out the world . please tell us the country you live in , the type , size and quanity of grow lights . if you are using 110 volts or 220 volts or pirating your power . your cost should be just for your...
  4. wanna be stanky

    why vegg longer

    sorry i'm confused !!!!!!!!!!!! i have read that members here are vegging 4 weeks , 8 weeks , and 12 weeks . before they start the flowering stage of 12/12 all this in the indoor growing section . why ?????????? if an indoor plant is genetically only going to grow 2-3 ft then why waste so much...
  5. wanna be stanky

    are thier any master electricans on the site

    heres my problem......i am 7 weeks into the grow living in costa rica . about 2 weeks ago i lost all power to my grow room for 5 or 6 hours , then all of the sudden the power reappeared .........what a relief !!!!!! they wire things differently here.....this 20 amp breaker has 8 electrical...
  6. wanna be stanky

    high humidity

    will an ozone generator control mold and fungus on the plants , and buds as it does in the room itself ? concerned about the high humidity in the room 80-90% , mold and mildew prblems in the future...........hoping this ozone generator will slove the problem before it starts
  7. wanna be stanky

    can i make tea with the males

    can i make an herb tea with the 12-18 inch males that i removed from the garden ? is there any thc is those suckers.can i get i buzz
  8. wanna be stanky

    disappointed in seeds

    started with 11 white widow , 11 big bud , and 9 florida bag seeds ...... a couple weeks after 12/12 the males were showing like crazy then came the count 5 white widow , 4 big bud , and 4 florida bag those prices the percentages should be higher i...
  9. wanna be stanky

    glad to be apart of something bigger than us

    we are quality orientated individuals and should be proud of our contrubution to humanity
  10. wanna be stanky

    is it possible for a plant to show both male and female nodes

    of cousre i am a newbie on my first soil indoor grow using 400 watt hps light , big bud , white widow , and some good regs seeds , oscilating fan ,ozone generator , black and white reflective film , and pro grow and bloom nutes ...i only vegged for 12 days at 18/6 and now 35 days into grow ...