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  1. smoker toker

    Ok People... Heh.. Lookie Here Please...

    Think I'm stupid... I'm stoned... whatever...... This is for EVERYONE to discusses religion... Christians.. Atheists... everyone.. I believe in God.... that said... The following is a list of quotes from books called The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind... Yes, this could go under quotes...
  2. smoker toker

    Death from Ingestion?

    *sigh*... Sorry guys.. I KNOW I've posted this before but for the god damn death of me I can't find where it was... I KNOW... that no one has ever died from SMOKING too much pot... But is it possible for someone to overdose on pot through ingesting it through something like brownies? If I...
  3. smoker toker

    What have YOU been watching?

    So what are some bad ass movies yall have watched recently?... I watched The Crazies yesterday... loved it... Avatar kicks ass of course.. and the next movie I'm going to see will definately be Cop Out followed by Shutter Island. So what're YOU watching? :leaf: Smoker Toker:
  4. smoker toker

    Might get tested... How long does urine keep for?

    Get the distinct feeling I'm gonna get piss tested soon for a job.. Was wondering how long I can refrigerate a jar of piss before it goes bad? Thanks for the info guys :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
  5. smoker toker

    Marijuana Tax Stamps?

    Ok... becoming familiar with my nearly learned info about NORML, I stumbled across information about something called a Tax Stamp, which : " This law mandates that those who possess marijuana are legally required to purchase and affix state-issued stamps onto his or her contraband. Failure to do...
  6. smoker toker

    Games take more skill than sports?

    Ohhh yeah I said it... and I firmly believe it too. This thread I want to be an open, yet very CIVILIZED debate. My opinion: That video games require A LOT more skill than any organized sport on the planet. My reasoning: It takes what? 11 people on the feild for a football team? 5 for a...
  7. smoker toker

    Where The Hell Are My Gamers?

    Common now let's bring all y'all out of the woodwork now :-P. Where are my fellow gamers, what console do you play on, genre, and what games? Me personally I stick to the FPS (first person shooters), and of course, I am one of the World of Warcraft geeks. Ooohhh yeah 80 pom-pyro mage ftw!! I've...
  8. smoker toker

    *sigh*... lol.. question...

    Yes.. *sigh*... I feel a little retarded asking this question, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. I'm sure I could Google this answer, but I wanna ask all y'all veteran smokers instead...:eyesmoke: 420... seriously, where did it originate from?... Was that the lunch break for everyone...
  9. smoker toker

    Pure f-ing serenity

    mmmk... just thought I'd share my current thoughts.. hehe bongsmilie... Just basically baked as a Thanksgiving Turkey atm... and I don't give a damn how gay it sounds, but I'm at pure fucking peace right now. With the mixture of herb and the music I'm listening to :eyesmoke:... Evanesence.. a...
  10. smoker toker

    *sigh* 420?

    Bah I have to say I'm starting to get alittle embarassed.. lol.. being only a smoker for 2 years, I don't know as much as I want to, which in turn causes me to ask questions that might seem stupid to others.. but oh well fuck them knowledge is for my benefit :mrgreen: Sooooo was curious...
  11. smoker toker

    Anyone ever die?

    Was just thinking and curious... I know that.. obviously... people who drink too much liquor can die from alcohol poisoning, and I was thinking... Has anyone ever actually died from smoking too much pot?... Not getting into accidents while high, or dying from doing something while high, but JUST...
  12. smoker toker

    QUICK! Question about drug screening?

    Ahh I'm afraid I need a little help, I went for a job interview today and got hired on the spot... The manager right then and there took out his sciccors and clipped a peice of my hair, but didn't pull it from the root for a drug screening test... I was curious as to how far back he'll be able...
  13. smoker toker

    Ideas Most Don't Touch!

    This thread is for those with a very open mind, and I want to prompt ideas that most people discard as impossible or fantasy. For we do not know everything in the world, not even close, but what we DO know is that compared to everything around us we are smaller than a grain of sand on the beach...
  14. smoker toker

    An extra little toke?

    Well I've only been smoking for a little over two years now, and recently I've adapted to doing something that I've seen a long time friend of mine, a 30 year veteran of smoking (talking back in the 60's man :peace:) does when she smokes. She smokes out of her favorite pipe, and after she...
  15. smoker toker

    Oakland CA - USA's Amsterdam?

    Had a question, and this might be a stupid question to some of you but I'm 19 so just classify me as a whipper-snapper :-P.... However, I have heard several stories about Oakland California, nicknamed Oaksterdam, and was curious if perhaps some of the more knowledgable folk 'round her might be...
  16. smoker toker

    Back with a vengence

    Hello hello to all and what's up? :bigjoint: Name is Lance, found this site a while back but never really had the time to sit and get to know people, had a lot of stuff going on in my life and never had the time to sit and chillax... Buuuut... that stuff is taken care of, I'm moving from TX back...
  17. smoker toker

    Wat up fellow tokers?

    Hey what's up everyone? Just thought I'd drop a little intro =) will skip the name but I'm 19 and and smoker of 4 years (yes I started young) and I live in Washington state =) Personally, with an exception of California, I think where I live we have the best smoke around ^_^ I got the name...