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  1. dakotajacksmith

    vegging day 30 LA Confidnetial and more..

    hey everyone! its day 30 for my LA Confidential, shes looking pretty good, besides the yellowing and the burns on the bottom leaves. :cry: but my other two ladies are looking fine, Sour Diesel day 7 and Purple Kush day 3. I am for sure going to take better care of my two new babies than i did...
  2. dakotajacksmith

    LA Confidential vegging 3 and half weeks and sour diesel 5 days with pictures

    Hey everyone. How are you? Anyways, I just got back from vegas baby! and my plants were somewhat dried out, but not too bad and they are still looking amazing. you cant even tell i was gone for two three. anyways if you didnt already know, i have a little baby Sour Diesel growing in next to the...
  3. dakotajacksmith

    LA Confidential - day 20 vegging

    Hi, my name is dakotabongsmilie and im new to horticulture and all this. but besides that im already on day 20 of vegging and my plant is looking pretty good. im growing in a 3 gallon clay pot with 'miracle gro all purpose soil' (don't tell me to get rid of it, im going to use it because ive...