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  1. W

    First time xtc quadstack

    Ok so i quad stacked some air plain pill of extc. It was lik the worst/best day of my life. I know for a fact that shit wasnt pure mdma, cuz it hit me in waves. Lookin back on it i relaized a quad stack was a bit much for my first time, ive done most opiates several times, hella weed, xanax shit...
  2. W

    LED Grow

    Ok so im about to order a 12" by 12" set of LEDS off of ebay for like 30 with free shipping, i only want to use the led's for the first 3 weeks to a month of growing from sprout, i here blue is the color to use when you are just sprouting and veggy, not for budding and flowering. Since i an...