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  1. J

    Help how do I kill ants?

    Well my plant is 4 weeks into flower and today I noticed little black ants crawling around in my soil. I have no idea where they came from. I started noticing the top leaves looking a big weird a couple days ago but didn't think anything of it but now I'm almost sure it's these ants. How the...
  2. J

    Will pumping oxygen to my roots speed up growth?

    Well I have a confirmed female plant today cause I see hairs on it. I'm thinking about purchasing a small aqaurium type air pump and pumping oxygen to my roots 3 times a day for 5 minutes. By the way I'm growing in soil. I want some dank juicy buds quick!
  3. J

    YAY! I finally got a female,when will it finish?!

    I flowered my 3 plants on 8/4/09 and my oldest one finally showed 2 little hairs today. Funny thing is I was sad last night and thought my grow was just another failure after getting 2 males a couple weeks ago and those are the seeds I actually payed for. I look this morning and was fucking...
  4. J

    Light leaks during flowering?

    My question is will light leaks during flowering slow growth down and does it take longer for plants to show sex if a light leak happens? I ask because I believe I had a light leak going on during my plants flowering period. I was playing video games for an hour with the lights on in my room and...
  5. J

    How do I plant marijuana outside?

    I want to move one plant outside to compare it to my 2 plants inside as far as growth. It's 3 weeks old at the moment. Anyway I want to plant it into a wooded area in the backyard but the problem is my neighbors on both sides of me. So what time should I plant it outside not to look suspicious...
  6. J

    That's it I'm smoking my plant...

    With my last bowl of weed left and a gram costing 20 bucks ive come to the decision that I'm going to smoke my male plant. I use a bong so it can't be THAT discusting since most of the bad stuff will get filtered out. Plus it's only been fed nutes 2 times and it's in fox farms organic soil. I...
  7. J

    Are these pollen sacks??

    So now its 4 days into flower and at the beginning I thought I had to females but looking again I don't know if this bulb is going to turn into a pollen sack. So is it a pollen sack??
  8. J

    Is this a good sign???

    My clones I took 2 days ago are still very green. Is this a good that they may root in the coming days? The branches I cloned were very short and purple so I don't know if they'll live or not. +rep as always for a good answer.
  9. J

    Is it safe to take clones 2 days into flower??

    I want to take a clone from my white widow and my northern lights. I don't want to keep them as mothers but I do want their genetics for a long time. They haven't showed white hairs yet but only pre flowers. So I'm guessing they haven't realized it's time to bloom yet. So can I take clones...
  10. J

    Male or Female need your opinions? (+rep)

    Hello everyone and good afternoon. Well in less than 24 hours all of my plants have picked back up from being heavily droopy they are now back to their old ways and are very perky :hump:. I'm looking for experienced people here that have seen pre flowers on their plants before and can identify...
  11. J

    Damn will my plants be ok?+rep

    So I transeplanted one of my plants to a bigger pot at around 13 in the afternoon today. It was looking great until I woke up from a nap at 9 o clock. It looks like an umbrella and all the leaves are drooping. I had to put a lot of water in the cup to ease the plant out of the cup it was in then...
  12. J

    White widow,NL#5,Bagseed first grow

    Hello everyone. I've had my plants growing for over a month now and finally decided to make a journal. This is for informational purposes and basically a log for myself to show growth since I can never really tell whats new growth or whats been the same size. Now a little background...
  13. J

    NEED some lighting help! PLease!

    I posted this in general marijuana growing but ill put it up here to in case anyone knows whats happening and what I should do. Well I found a place that had some monster 65 watt cfl's so I bought one. To my surprise it was bigger than I thought but this was ok because im using a huge clamp lamp...
  14. J

    Need major help!

    Hello everyone. Well I found a place that had some monster 65 watt cfl's so I bought one. To my surprise it was bigger than I thought but this was ok because im using a huge clamp lamp so the bulb screwed in perfect and was tight. To my surprise though the bulb did not light up!:confused: Here...
  15. J

    Help, Whole bunch of fuzzy hair on my seedling wtf? (Pics)

    Well I planted this germinated seed 2 days ago and it sprouted yesterday. It was about half the size it is now still slumped over so I said what the hell may as well leave it in there for another day and see if it stands up straight. This morning when I look at it its now twice the size and even...
  16. J

    Help! Are HPS ballasts hard to setup?

    I want to get a simple 150w hps because I didn't like how my cfl's in conjunction with my bad soil pretty much stunted my plants and they will only probably produce 2 grams so I'm pretty much done with cfls. Friday I will be purchasing a 150w hps since adding 6 new cfl's plus the reflective...
  17. J

    Help,why are my plants so little???

    Hello everyone. My plants are like 3 weeks old and they are so short. I left for awhile last week and came back sunday to see my plants doing ok even though they missed about 4 days of water (left for a week and I water every 3 days). They were very yellow but after giving some water one turned...
  18. J

    Should I toke up in my car?

    Well I need to toke up and my family is in town. I'm thinking of toking up in my car but will the smell remain in there for a long time? I don't want my car door to be open and just wreaking of pot. Can someone help me out here?
  19. J

    Should I put my plants by the window?

    Hi everyone well about 2 weeks ago my seeds sprouted and compared to everyone else mines are growing slower. I have a window in my house that constantly gets sunlight through out the day. Also maybe the reason my plants aren't growing fast enough is because of the air not being fresh? I have 2...
  20. J

    Help!Plant growing at 90 degree angle...(pics)

    Seems like im on here every morning lol. Well yesterday morning my seed sprouted with its seed shell on its head where the two first leave should be. I got impatient and took it off reveling 2 little leaves. After about 20 hours of light and a couple hours of darkness the leaves have gotten...