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  1. S

    Epic Fail LST... Main Stem Split

    Main stem has split in half on my LST'd Big Bud during flower, I have several questions on what the hell I should do next! The split itself is vertical and about an inch and a half long in the centre stem right where I topped it. Ive wrapped twine tight enough around the middle to try and hold...
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    First Time Topping

    Was planning on following uncle bens method of letting it grow 6 nodes and then topping at the second, but my plant grew faster than I had time to get the things I needed to clone the top, and its now on its 7th node, can I still top at the second for at least 2 nodes? or should I move to a...
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    First Time Topping

    And im nervous!! Ive read up on uncles ben's etc, was just wondering how wrong can it actually go? It was my last feminized Big Bud seed, that I was planning on cloning, so I dont really want to risk killing it, I would leave topping if its high risk to the plants survival, I have superthrive...
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    Y Splitters/Adaptors for CFL's in the UK

    Has anyone had any luck finding these in the UK? Any sites or main stores they could point me to? Been looking for a long while now on the tinternet, but all I can find is US sites and people saying WALMART!!... Asda just isn't the same... +rep and gratitude for someone who can help out =]
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    Right Equipment for CFL cupboard grow?

    Ok... Getting close to making things final, just wanted to make sure that this should be all the equipment I need... At the moment I have: A cupboard! (82w, 180h, 56d cm) 1 x 250w Envirolite+Reflector (with red and bluespec bulbs) 4 x 42w CFL's (3 red lamps, 3 blue lamps for switching about)...
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    250w CFL Vs. Seedlings

    Is a 250w CFL going to be too much light/heat for starting seedlings? If anyone could let me know that would be great =] Thanks
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    Way to dispose of heat without ducting?

    Hi guys, Im newish to growing, and I've just emptied out one of my cupboards for an indoor grow. The cupboard is 180H 84W 54D (CM's) Im currently using CFL's, a 250w and 4 20w bulbs... Ive been testing the lights to see how much heat they make in the cupboard... To do this, I put a simple...
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    Hey Guys, Im having trouble trying to find CFL's with the clamp reflectors (Aprox 42w lamps) the sites I find dont have pictures so I'm not sure if they are the ones I need or not. The other problem is that it needs to be a UK based company. If anyone could point me in the right direction that...