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  1. 420Jedi

    420Jedi '09 (Chemdog DD, OGKush and others)

    Hey hey welcome to my grow. I'll start off by telling you a little about myself. I have been growing for the last 2 years but I have only actually cropped out once. ( Big Buddha Blue Cheese ) Ive had some set backs, made some stupid mistakes.. and paid for it in time and money. But you live and...
  2. 420Jedi

    New to this forum, hope to make lots of great new friends.

    Hey everyone, I would like to say Hi to you all, and hope my new life over here at rollitup will be pleasant and fruitful. I am coming over to this forum from ICMag, well I don't wanna bad mouth them to much... Lets just say I was banned unfairly and won't be buying anything from their...