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  1. G

    My leafs are curling>> help.

    Im growing inside, in a corner of my room, with CFL bulbs. I have 10 plants, and the biggest 1s leafs all started to curl down ward today.
  2. G

    Can TV light Mess up Flowering?

    My grow box is across the room like 6 feet from my Grow box, and the box may be some small holes and what not. Will the TV light thats getting in there Mess up the flowering? while its on dark period?.
  3. G

    Help plz.. Need some TIPS..

    i have a very small space.. and some 1 told me that i could grow 10 plants in a 2x2 area... and grow them all SINGLE stocks nothing else straight up. I got 10 plants going in a 2x2 area with 4 CFL lights on them... Ill put some pics below. MY ???? is, How do i trim or cut plants to...
  4. G

    WTF is this Green Stuff growing.

    Im growing in 2 litter bottles, and the clear 1 u can see green stuff growing all over inside the the 2 little bottle around the plants roots. This plant is 5 days old on 24/0 of light. CFL
  5. G

    24/7 light from seed. only 100 watts.

    I started 9 plants from seed, some have taken off and some have not. The larger 1s are 7days old, med 1s 5days old and the tinny 1s are about 2days old. My grow box is a cardboard box cut long ways... and duct tap to the wall.. then the walls linned with Tin foil.. then i swing the card board...
  6. G

    Can u use a halogen worklight to grow??

    could u use somthing like this? to grow weed or am i stoned
  7. G

    Can i use this light to grow.

    ITs a 68 watt bulb I need lights i can buy at like home depot, that fits regular light socket. I...
  8. G

    I cant get high any more.

    I grow my own weed and smoke tones. I smoke around 10-20grams a day. I use a bong.. it takes around 3-5 bowls to get me a little high. Then i come inside cuss of the cold. IS There a better way to comsume weed? Or maybe a certain way to smoke weed?? Any tips are welcome.
  9. G

    Do u Burp Jars, If theres no moisture?

    I got like 20 1oz jars filled with chonic i just dryed and now put intojars. I been burping the jars every 12 hours for last 2 days. last 24 hours the jars have had no moisture or anything i can tell. I was Wondering if there is none.. Do i have to burb the jars.. Can i just leave them with...
  10. G

    Used crap seed got this.

    Baught an oz of some crap weed, was 40bucks an oz. Lots of seeds. I took those seeds and grew this plant. I just harvested it, and so fare i have 34 hanging branches. It should bring alot of weight. Its very very dank weed and u can feel it with 1 hit.
  11. G

    My 8 foot plant.. Turning Pure

    My plant is over 8 feet tall.. has 2 main heads.. and has pure red hairs.... the leafs have started to turn purple... i have been reading and found that they need phosphur... but some people have told me.. that ur plant leaves can turn purple... from cold weather.. Can some 1 HELP me out... And...
  12. G

    Grow OP Yak Town.. have lots of tips. hit me up.

    Live in washington state.. built my own green house out of garbage wood. Have 3 giant beasts plants and bunch of small ones. My main beast.. is 5 feet tall around 7 feet wide. I toped it at 3 months and at 4 months... it still hasent budded yet.. since its only july.. its got 4 main heads...