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  1. markcontrades

    Cutting fan leaves OFF. Would that make sence?

    Would it make sense to cut off all the fan leaves so the branches can get more light? my plan is to get all the branches growing so i can take cuttings and start cloning.
  2. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    This friday ill be getting 500$. im trying to figure out what i need to buy for my Plants... I already have a 150wHPS. so i dont think i need anymore lights (unless you think otherwise) I have 3 females (i plan on cloning.) my grow space is my walk in closet. about 3-4ft wide, about 7-8ft in...
  3. markcontrades

    Is Alivia Rooting Gel OK For Clones?

    my local hydro store only sells 2 types of rooting gel. alivia and something else, i didnt really understand when he said the 2nd name
  4. markcontrades

    How do i Root clones WITHOUT any type of hormone gel?

    i have a good mother plant right now and im trying to get some clones off of her. i only have soil, water and my hps light. any possible way i can make this work?
  5. markcontrades

    Which growing method is faster?

    Hydro or Soil? i really dont care about getting the best quality, i just need to grow fast with good buds.
  6. markcontrades

    HPS or T5s?

    i have a 150w HPS light system. would it be worth ordering T5s? or any other bulb i might need?
  7. markcontrades

    what does the male look like when it shows up?

    One of my plants have like 3 little ballish looking things stuck together on the joints where branches come out. should i wait a little longer and wait for white hairs or cut them down?
  8. markcontrades

    Lowryder advice

    i am about to order some lowryder auto from the seed bank and i need to know everything about them. Are they simple to grow or are they a pain in the ass? i have all the things you need to grow. Soil, Pots, and a 150wHPS light system.
  9. markcontrades

    Ordering From Attitude Seed Bank?

    Is it possible ordering seeds to Virginia (USA) with the UPS? is it safe?
  10. markcontrades

    How long till sex shows?

    How long does it take to find out if i got male or females? i just started them on 12/12 about 3days ago.
  11. markcontrades

    flowering time advice

    on my 5th set of leaves. is it ok to start flowering?
  12. markcontrades

    HELP i have no clue whats going on with the plants....

    I have 6plants all under HPS. Setup on the timer from 6am - 10pm. 4 of the plants have branches growing out of the joints, does that mean there female? and the 2 other plants dont have anything coming out of the joints. please let me know, i dont wanna waste time growing and the 4 end up to...
  13. markcontrades

    Branches in my marijuana plants....Male or female?

    I have 6plants all under HPS. Setup on the timer from 6am - 10pm. 4 of the plants have branches growing out of the joints, does that mean there female? and the 2 other plants dont have anything coming out of the joints. please let me know, i dont wanna waste time growing and the 4 end up to...
  14. markcontrades

    Fan speed for plants?

    is it ok to have the fan on medium/high??(not directly on my plants) will that help my plants grow thick main stems?
  15. markcontrades

    is my plant dieing? or is this normal...

    the leaves are starting to droop down(looks like it got somewhat weak) and some of the lower ones are curling up just a tad bit... its under my 150w hps. i watered her but it still looks like theres something still wrong. shes about 3 weeks old and is working on her 3rd set of leaves + there...
  16. markcontrades

    Outdoor moving to indoor?

    is it ok to move my 3week old plants from outside to indoors under a 150w hps??
  17. markcontrades

    Outdoor to indoor?

    is it ok to grow my plants outside for a wile then bring them inside?
  18. markcontrades

    Ordering Lowryder Seeds?

    what is the best site that delivers to USA and can give me some lowryder seeds?
  19. markcontrades

    Ordering seeds online to the USA?

    is there any safe way to order seeds to Virginia Beach, VA 23464 in US? i really want to order my GF works at the UPS store, would that be any help?
  20. markcontrades

    identifying indicas and sativas?

    is there a way to tell if there indica or sativa when they sprout? because one of my sprouters have more of a circle shape to its 2 leaves when she first broke ground, and the other 2 have more of a dagger looking shape leaf.