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  1. B

    what’s going on here any ideas

    My other plants are fine and the sister plant of fine to but one of her are browning badly is this a lock out and any ideas on how to fix it if possible
  2. B

    Leafs are looking rough any ideas

    I have one plant that’s starting to curl under and the other two are starting to brighten up. I was a little chilly for a few days. But I fixed the problem. Also have air coming in and going out. 8x8 grow tent 1000 mh
  3. B

    Thrips and cinnamon water when flowering???

    I was looking on remedies for thrips. Since I’m in 5 week of flowering makes it even hardeder. Canada has banned pretty much everything that works. I have see people use cinnamon. What are your thoughts. Just spray cinnamon water on the leafs and stems and dirt not over kill but a light spray...
  4. B

    Please help identify this white bug

    The bug is very small and there’s not a lot of them but I know it can’t be good. Any ideas and if so ideas on a remidy to get rid of it
  5. B

    Dis colouring please give opinions

    hi all im on week 5 growing with a 1000 watt hps and noticed some leaves are turning on me. I feed them every other day with the mix my local shop makes. I did noticed my lights were low so the leaves are up. Any idea are opinion on how mygrow looks
  6. B

    Did this female clone turn into a male

    I’m in week three and this little one I believe is starting to turn into a male. Any opinions on my photo. Grown in organic soil. 400 watt mh 24/7