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  1. H

    Yet another Male/Female? thread

    Hey all, Long time smoker, first time grower. Growing 1 plant outdoors, currently in week 10. What y'all think.....male or female??
  2. H

    Outdoor watering schedule

    I'm looking for some general guidelines on how much water per week I should be giving my outdoor plant. I tried searching for watering charts, but I found nothing. I know that certain factors need to be taken into account, such as temperature, soil type etc. Say for an average daily...
  3. H


    So I had to move my plant because it's former location got flooded. It was halfway submerged in water for about 8-9 hours. That was about three days ago. So far so good, although it is exhibiting some moderate signs of stress, but it looks like it will pull through. But what I discovered was...
  4. H

    Torrential Rain

    Last night we received about 3 inches of rain. My plants were located pretty close to a drainage culvert, and all are now about halfway submerged in water. How long do I have to transplant these babies to a dry area before they die?