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  1. Barney Trees

    my harvest

    harvested 8.5 ounces of some bagseed and it has been a good outdoor season!
  2. Barney Trees

    sample bud has purp trics?

    has anyone ever noticed a color other than amber,clear, and cloudy trics? what does this mean? my plant is changing color, don't have any pictures close up of trics, camera not good enough. Been feeding it Tiger Bloom and Mollassis.
  3. Barney Trees

    Before Harvest ?

    AM I supposed to flush 2 weeks before harvest then not feed any fluid to plant until harvest?
  4. Barney Trees

    Foliar Feeding?

    What does foliar feeding do to a plant ? Can you do it durring the flowering stage? Is it good to get your buds wet? i obviously do not want mold. Thanks
  5. Barney Trees

    fan leaves

    I have this outdoor plant and I don't know if I should prune some of the fan leaves. The plant has been flowering for a month now. What would trimming the fan leaves do?