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  1. Smokiebear

    Germinated seed sprouted super tail

    So, i have a seedling i planted last night. when i germinated it, only a little sprout was visible. next day when i was ready to plant the sprout was friggen long, for a sprout ive seen and heard how long they get. it was 1'' 1/2 -- 2'' long, and wtf i swear i saw furry hairs guess u would say...
  2. Smokiebear

    Seedling in a MG fertilizer? Any Danger?

    kiss-assYea, so. My first grow went to hell is about.....7 Days. Thats all needs to be said about that. I was seriously trying to use a 60W Incadesent bulb??WTF?? But anyhow im on grow two and i have got a couple CFL's over the seedling. Now, i planted the seedling in a MG fertilizer. Not...
  3. Smokiebear

    Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!

    :leaf: Hello, It is my first time to grow and I really don't know that much about it. I germinized my seed and planted it...about half of my finger deep. packed the damn soil to much and the plant could break soil...i read a little on this before however and dug it out and planted it above...