Search results

  1. DJeriee

    Trailer park boys

    Who here loves the trailer park boys? cause i love them :)
  2. DJeriee

    Best Strain

    What is the best strain to grow in ebb flow and supercropping that you guys have grown???? also what thai strain have you guys grown that is more of a indica style?
  3. DJeriee

    Live chat

    how do i register to do live chat????????????
  4. DJeriee

    Finding a soulmate????

    What is a good site to connect with tokers???? im looking for a pot head girlfriend... it gets lonely having great grows and not having someone to roll with me :( are there any sites you guys ahve used to find a marijuana soulmate? :bongsmilie: alone sux would love to share a :joint:
  5. DJeriee

    Powdery Mildew

    Hi what are your guys best methods to combat powdery mildew.... ive tried using veg oil and water ive tried buying products from hydro stores and i tried using soaps for plants.... has anyone found a great way to finally rid clones an plants of powdery mildew???? because i would hate to...
  6. DJeriee

    hello Everyone

    sorry everyone i forgot to introduce myself..... i am a grower indoor grower.... i have been growing indoors for 7 years .... my clones have mostly been bought from california dispenserys but 2 yrs ago i started buying seeds and growing mothers and cloning..... i have grown full sativas and full...
  7. DJeriee

    need help

    hi all i am a indoor grower i have grown weed indoors for like 7 yrs now.... i have grown ebb an flow and i have done soil and coco tech indoors..... but now i am feeling adventorous so my question is.... i want to take clones i cut from indoor mothers and grow in a backyard...... i would love...
  8. DJeriee

    Hello Everyone

    Hello everyone i am brand new to this forum but not new to growing sweet sweet ganja..... i wanted to post a picture of my largest plant i ever had.... its somas lavender and i got a half a pound of dried medicine..... bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::lol::lol::sleep: ok i hope...