Search results

  1. B

    Best way to dry in attic?

    I have to use an attic to dry my buds, but that should still be a few weeks away. Right now the attic is HOT and humid, so I'm hoping by mid october it will be better. But what do you think would be the best way to dry my crop up there? So far I plan to use a cardboard box with holes or...
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    Will this multicide be safe to smoke?

    I've been using Garden Safe Fungicide 3 (fungicide insecticide miticide), probably have only used it about 6 times throughout the whole grow. But since it's in budding, would I be safe smoking this stuff? It tells you not to inhale it and if you do contact poison control, so it just had me...
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    Nute def? Bugs? What's wrong with it?

    My girl's in her 5th week of flowering and since two days ago she managed to start having spots appear on her leaves. Some of the fan leaves have little whitish-yellowish specks (like glitter size) while some fan leaves have bigger brownish spots. I sprayed it with Garden Safe Fungicide 3 (got...
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    Best way to dry in an attic?

    Due to my living circumstances, I'm gonna be forced to dry my buds at a friends house when it comes harvest time. He's got some roommates that I don't trust AT ALL and I know they'd probably take some, if not all, of my shit if they were to find it. So we're gonna try to dry it up in his attic...
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    Did It Re-veg?

    I had a plant in a really shady place so I was forced to move it since it stopped growing. I noticed while transplanting that some nodes had a single cylaxy with a red hair coming out already (early flowering due to lack of light?), but now it's been in a very sunny location for about 4-5...
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    Wall-E weed

    Hey peeps, check out my wall-e weed. This girls has been moved around a lot and didn't grow very well until it started getting nearly all day sun two weeks ago. The baby is about a month old and they're both in an 18 gal rubbermaid. Soil is MG organic choice garden soil, some manure, perlite...
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    Are my roots too deep?

    Last week I transplanted a female to a sunnier location, and since it was receiving too little sun before, it was really lanky near the bottom (decent thick growth on the upper part of the plant tho). When I re-buried it in a rubbermaid 18 gal, I buried the stem about 7 inches or so, leaving...
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    transporting help

    I got one female im tryin to transplant to a sunnier location because right now its literally stopped growing from lack of light. Do you think it will shock the plant too much? It's been outside since beginning of april and is only about 18 in, so I'm hoping the new spot which gets at least 8...
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    Starting from seed outside...

    I got some little seedlings goin that I plan to put in their outside spot soon (due to circumstances...I wish I could harden them off inside). My area gets almost all day sun with temps in the 90s and decent humidity. Do you think seedlings could live in a spot like that? I might have to make...
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    Could it recover?

    I got a mids plant that got attacked by mold out of nowhere. Good one week then bam 1/5 of the leaves are yellow or curled up and dry/crunchy. I used some shit my dad used for his tomato plants that stops rot and soaked it down, just wonderin what the odds of this thing living are? I found a...
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    Best Way To Start From Seed?

    Unfortunately, I have to start my seeds at the grow site and I can only check them once a week. I tried a batch a couple weeks ago by putting the seeds in the ground and putting a clear plastic cup on them for a greenhouse effect. When I checked them a week later, they had sprouted but were...
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    diminishing sunlight!

    sup guys! well i have a nice outdoor spot and it used to get a decent amount of light. but now since the trees have filled in, it doesn't get nearly as much as it used to. I would guess its now around 3 hrs of direct light off and on throughout the day. I can tell it's having some effect...
  13. B

    molasses outside?

    I was planning to use molasses on my outdoor plants when they start flowering, but would the sweetness attract animals? I already had a problem with squirrels after just putting the soil in the ground. I want a successful harvest, so I don't mind taking the critters out...just want to know...
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    Seedling growth in starter mix

    I put 4 germed seeds in my MG seed starting mix last friday, now they're starting to develop their second set of normal leaves, but I just realized that my plants may not have enough nutrients to grow to the size I want them before putting them outdoors. The soil mix is 5-1-5 (.05-.10-.05) and...
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    Diesel Ryder in woods?

    My buddy and I are planning on planting some diesel ryder's in the woods this year but the spot will only get about 4 hrs direct sunlight each day. Would these even make decent bud? I hear that auto's are made for shitty conditions but then I hear they need at least 15 hrs of light to grow...
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    Woods - First Timer

    :joint: hey all, been browsing RIU and many other ganja forums for many months trying to prepare for Spring! Been smoking a while, but this is my first grow (guerilla). I feel pretty well prepared but I still have a few questions. I found a couple spots go grow, but I'm not sure exactly which...
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    Protogrow fert? Has anyone tried this stuff out? I'm not sure if it would be good for ganja, but apparently it works great for food. Even if you haven't tried it, do you think it would work ok? Thanks!
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    Protogrow Fertilizer

    Has anyone used this stuff? I wanna try it but I don't want to ruin any potentially awesome plants with a nute burn.