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  1. H

    helllpppppp!!!!!!!!! lol

    i have started my first plant a day ago i got 8 seeds sprouted i put them in a plastic cup with soil i got a lil 15 watt plant growing lamp i put soil food on it and what not i need info before i get to far.........??????
  2. H

    help neeeddddeeeedddddd

    i need responses. i am trying to grow a plant i sprouted bout 8 seeds put them in a plastic cup with some soil i got a 15 watt plant growing light from walmart i watered it put soil food on it and im waiting its only been a day but i need to know this shit before i get to far along
  3. H

    help neeeeedddeeddd

    i have started my first plant a day ago i got 8 seeds sprouted i put them in a plastic cup with soil i got a lil 15 watt plant growing lamp i put soil food on it and what not i need info before i get to far.........??????
  4. H


    i need responses. i am trying to grow a plant i sprouted bout 8 seeds put them in a plastic cup with some soil i got a 15 watt plant growing light from walmart i watered it put soil food on it and im waiting its only been a day but i need to know this shit before i get to far along