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  1. P

    Boiling cacti down to a solid

    I have about 3 feet of fresh San Pedro and am planning to do a crude extraction by simply boiling down the material with water and lemon juice. I have read many reports of this being an easy and effective method of preparation for San Pedro, but I'm still concerned about one thing. In some...
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    Am-2201, jwh-122, , jwh-250, experiences

    Recently I've been interested in the research chemicals that have been rapidly being brought to the market. I've only tried the synthetic cannabinoids, but am looking into methoxetamine, bromo-dragonfly, and mephedrone. Anyway I've been ordering different compounds and comparing effects so I...
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    Im not experienced enough to make lsd but lsa is easy to obtain and i want to try it. Is it a good trip? hallucinations? whats it like? and how many damn morning glory seeds would i have to eat to get a strong trip?
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    I hear good things about adderall highs from alot of people. personally i cant see what would be so great about being really alert and focused but maybe i should give it a try. Anyone tried it? How is it?
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    Gas mask

    I got a gas mask last week and ive used it a few times. it gets you ripped but it makes your face and hair reek forever. every once in awhile i also get one of those massive choke hits and cough my lungs out only to inhale another massive hit and repeat the cycle lol. what are your opinions on...
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    Why is every synthetic substance becoming illegal?

    I've noticed that a product known as spice (a synthetic cannabinoid sold as incense) has been outlawed in a couple of states even though no real tests have been done to even determine its effects. why must everything that makes us feel good be banned? Dextromethorphan (a synthetic opiate found...
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    Ever tried Full Moon?

    Ive been wanting to smoke the strain called Full Moon for years now. Ive heard of its trippy visual effects and thats something that sounds great me. Any reviews on this strain?
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    herbal smoke recipes?

    im interested in making my own herbal smokes. ive heard about using wild dagga, blue lotus, and some other herbs, but i have no idea where to get these herbs or how to make a good smoking mixture out of them. can someone help me by listing good herbs and recipes to use as well as where i can...
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    Recreational OTC drugs

    Im interested in trying different types of OTC drugs and experiencing different types of highs/trips. if you could list the ones you know of with a description of its effects, or a personal story that would be great. im familiar with dxm and im quite fond of it. the light floaty feelings and...
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    So Prohibiting Marijuana is Supposed to Keep Kids Safe?

    One of the main goals of marijuana prohibition is to keep our youth out of harms way, however our government seems to have overlooked a few things when they ignorantly created these laws. 1. Marijuana is a scheduled 1 drug which paralells its charges with that of cocaine or heroine possesion...
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    DXM + benadryl = @&$!!!?(:$(*+€£¥€><

    Yesterday my friend and i each took a cimbination of 390 mg of DXM and 300 mg of benadryl (diphenhydramine HCL). We invited over our other friend to come watch over us. The trip started out the way dxm ussualy does, loss of coordination, dizzyness, mild euphoria, strange thoughts. Then the...
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    Help male plant

    Well it turns out i have a god damn male. Ive heard mixed things about their usefulness and smokability, but ive also heard of things to do to increase thc production such as types of stress, and other crazy stuff. Is there anything i can do to produce more thc or any good uses for males?
  13. P

    When and how should i flower?

    Ive got a 34 day old plant out on my roof in a 5 gallon bucket. Its a little over a foot tall and getting fairly bushy. I want to know when is the best time to start flowering and how do i do it?
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    Halogen lights

    Im using a 60 watt halogen bulb for my single 12 day old plant. Im planning on getting some cfls but havnt got around to it yet. My main problem is that the stem grows too quickly and the foilage not quickly at all. I know this is because the red spectrum influences stem growth. My question is...
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    Remember the days?

    I remember back in highschool setting up little grow boxes in my closet and trying to find ways to keep it from my parents, my siblings, and my dog (who apparently had aquired a taste for cannabis). Your creativity really shows at times like these. Anyone else got stories from back in the day?
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    importance of fans?

    How important is adding a fan to your grow box? What does it do for your plant? Also just to throw this in, ive heard from a few people that playing music in your grow room somehow helps. Is this just bs or is there actually something to it?
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    how can i tell what strain im growing?

    Ive been growing some unknown seeds and i was wondering if theres any way to tell what type of cannabis it is?
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    Need help with lighting

    I need help finding the right lighting for my single plant. Atm im using a 60 watt halogen (since my only other option was incandesant). How bad is using a halogen bulb? Im probably going to buy a fluorescent bulb but i want to know what the appropriate wattage is. Also if i were to buy two 40...
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    My first growing enviornment

    This is my first grow and i have to carry it out in a 2x2x6 foot closet space. I would much rather be growing outdors but three of my surrounding neighbors are cops and i want to keep my plant nearby. Im also trying to keep it from my gf who lives with me so this is an honest to god pain in the...