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  1. bloomfields

    Soft Secrets......i was just wondering....................

    Does anybody on RIU read Soft Secrets ?? it a underground magazine and web site that has awesome pictures and some fab strain info and new grow techniques etc , well worth a gander .........just putting it out there , i think its uk,europe based, but web site open to all:mrgreen:
  2. bloomfields

    Egypt - this made me smile endlessly =D

    :!:The army said in a statement carried on Egyptian media: "To the great people of Egypt, your armed forces, acknowledging the legitimate rights of the people... have not and will not use force against the Egyptian people.":clap::clap::clap: FUCKIN "A"
  3. bloomfields

    Reputation list ........

    when someone leaves you a rep hit it shows a green box , what does a grey box mean ???????? thanks
  4. bloomfields

    How can i stop smoking everyday ...............please help.....=)

    ok , something a few years ago happened to me and my family, that causes me really bad nightmares that really stop me sleeping, when i smoke weed, i dont have these nightmares, plus when i dont smoke , i wake up covered in sweat from head to toe, i dont know if this is relative to the nightmares...
  5. bloomfields

    Changing from HPS to he nuttz ?

    :wall: A friend and Riu user i know who has some exsperience growing indoors and out, in different climates is changing his light set up for LED's , have the chinese whitecoats gotten to him or am i missing the boat ????????????your comments please , no salesman need reply :clap:
  6. bloomfields

    is this just light burn or more serious ?????? +rep

    :?: help if you can plz , i lowered my lights last night and think i created a hotspot , pics below , if you think this is something different as i still feel light was far enough away (600w hps parabolic(umbrella hood 1ft away, now back at 1.5ft) then please say so , thanks in advance...
  7. bloomfields

    horizontal or verticle hoods(reflectors)......?????

    :?: ok guys lets here your views please , which is better a hood that hangs your bulb vertically or horizontaly ??? :?:
  8. bloomfields

    Uk cheese and G-Bomb 2 weeks into flower (pics)

    :leaf:hey... just moved house , managed to transport my 2 mothers and i am building up again, i have 2 mothers , uk cheese (exodus), BB's G-Bomb , i have taken 20 clones of each , but these 2 clones have had 4 weeks vegg each..... other various clones in flower room are bagseed.... Loft...
  9. bloomfields

    I have read to much and am confused , plz help .....

    :wall: ok, i have read to many debates on this and i need somebody to please clarify something for me , in 1 of my grow areas, i can only run 1 intake/outake ruck fan with ducting, i want to have passive air in or air out holes, is it more important to have fresh air coming in , or old air...
  10. bloomfields

    Will my signature stop me being imprisoned ????

    :weed: will it stand up in a court of law ???
  11. bloomfields

    I made this light for my veg room.. diy cheap time =)

    i picked up these bits cheap,for my veg room and is really effective, check it out........... Asda, 4 x light holders with clips and wires £3.oo each Asda 4 x cfl's 23w(100w equiv) £1.oo each 1 x lamp holder B&Q (screw fitting) £10.oo Morrisons cfl (screw fitting) 30w(150w equiv) £1.oo 1 x old...
  12. bloomfields

    Yardie em hate em........

    Can i sleep for 2 weeks until my ladies are ready ? will i survive ? or shall i go get ripped off again by my dealer ...i might add no green may result in the murder of my other half hahaa im only in this state as i had to move house arghhhhh:wall:
  13. bloomfields

    Dark hours......correct tempeture ...... rep for good reply ......

    :?: Can someone please tell me the best temp for my flowering room to be at during the 12 hours darkness , i have it stabilised with a thermostat heater at 24*c.... 75.2*f ....will this be ok ? thankyou in advance:wall:
  14. bloomfields

    cuttings transfer to soil........1root2root 20roots...?

    :confused:Just a quick question..............when should i be placing my rooted cuttings into there soil pots..? i read somewhere that you should as soon as you see roots..., i have been waiting for lots of little roots and if i didnt need to then i have been wasting precious time .....any...
  15. bloomfields

    Big Buddha - G-Bomb

    i bought 5 feminised seeds from my local head shop, of which only 1 germinated. i have grown this 1 seedling into a mother plant and taken cuttings, has anyone grown this strain ? How sure can i be that my mother plant is indeed female ?, has anyone else dealt with big buddha seeds ? i cant find...
  16. bloomfields

    advice please ...............

    :joint: does any1 actually no if music helps your plants veg or if its just a old wifes tale...........???? and also am i doing right giving my plants rain water ???? any thoughts welcome :)
  17. bloomfields

    light coverage help please ............

    Hey guys could some1 please tell me the area coverage i should achieve with 2 x 600 hps lights ???? both have diamond reflectors attatched, thankyou :)bongsmilie
  18. bloomfields

    help please ???

    :confused:my threads and convos im involved in are missing from my homepage , can any1 tell me why ? much love ?????????????????????? ty :):blsmoke:
  19. bloomfields

    bulb swap unsure ?

    :?:could some1 tell me is it safe to put a hps bulb into my 250w meatal halide unit ? obs hps bulb would be 250w ? thanx,:bigjoint:
  20. bloomfields

    my threads deleted by mods !

    moderators deleted my threds on site because they knew my point was correct- how true to form- and btw - i did take on a barmaid lol and i sold the bar- (is that all info you could gather ?) deary me........... now my turn :):weed: