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  1. cardholders

    RDWC Grow, WW, PHW, GDP, Strawberrycough x Deep Chunk

    5 plants Strawberry Cough X Deep Chunk White Widow Purple Hash Wreck 2 Grand Daddy Purps Strawberry cough is almost a month old. It was started in dirt, and recently transplanted to rockwool The others are in a RDWC setup. The WW and PHW are much younger than the Strawberry cough, but have...
  2. cardholders

    Algae? Whats this slimy stuff in my DWC water?

    I'm doing some maintenance to my room today and I drain one of my RDWC buckets to find some brownish stuff on the bottom and the sides. When rubbed off it sticks to itself and floats around in the water. It is in all 4 buckets. How does this look and what should be my plan of action? This was...
  3. cardholders

    DWC Wilted/Droopy plant. Help me save it please

    I just picked up 3 bare root clones from a 215 shop. a WW, Purple Hash, and a Nice Guy. I have a recirculating DWC setup. After about a half hour of being in the system, the Nice guy started drooping/wilting pretty badly. It looked nice before. I searched on here alot, and looked at the guides...