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  1. D

    Help!! was just about to flower.

    All of this has happened within a 2 day period. I just gave the 2 plants a 0-10-10 fertilizer last night thinking it was a potassium deficiency and because I was switching the light cycle but it only made things worse. 2 days ago leaves were MUCH better looking and a week ago they were...
  2. D

    clones being passed on with this problem

    Heres a few pics of some clones that were cut from a few different plants that had similar symptoms. Mind you the parent plants are thriving now and clones still sick. If you can tell in the pictures there is root growth in the cubes even with how sick they look. It can't be temperature...
  3. D

    pistil are burnt....

    So the pistils are burnt after applying a nutrient solution.. using soil and soil less mix. I know this is not light burn because its more not even the top colas. Its getting worse as I water it more with no nutrients. I'm thinking that I just stacked up the nutrient solution and it is using up...
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    Anyone Harvested ak-48?

    Been trying this stuff out. Seems to be a little tricky with drying and curing. Not like other strains.. anyone have some insight on this?
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    Too much smell?

    Has anybody had the problem that the product they are curing smells as if its over fermenting and the smell too much. I know it sounds weird because you wouldn't think of this as a problem but surely somebody knows what I mean.. It seems like its dry maybe even too dry.. smokes like a cigarette...
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    How to I pay with CC with attitude?

    I have an order that is awaiting payment but it didn't go through because of my bank.. but I wanna try it again and all i can see is the order number and all the strains included but leaves no room to pay again with CC. I DO NOT want to start the order from scratch because the lucky 7 promotion...
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    Fun thought

    Has anyone had the thought of growing like 20,000 watts or more of tomoatoes in your house just to fuck with the police only to sue their asses after they break in because its not enough basis for a search warrant based on electric records. Those fuckers would never think about touching you again!
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    which one should I choose? (3)

    KandyKush x Skunk - Heavy duty fruity! - Cotton Candy.. yum...
  9. D

    House is moldy, need help!

    There is a mold problem in the house and I think its having a toll on the smell and taste. Anyone have similar issues? Is there anyway to isolate the growing area and drying area from the rest of the house??
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    Can you make a suggestion?

    Hey guys I'm looking for a strain and don't know to get. With all the options its impossible to choose! I'm looking for a heavy yielder but most importantly something that has a very heavy aroma and exceptional taste. Recommend me something that you've personally grown and can vouch for with a...
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    High Bay Commercial Lighting

    Are these metal halides any good for growing? Im sure they would work fine but are their any setbacks? They sell for $25 a pop all day online.
  12. D

    Need help BAD. Will post pics soon.

    Alright.. here's the deal. My plants are vegging right now and should have been in flowering a week ago or so. The sickness only started with a few plants but now its started to spread and its going to fuck everything up! 2 main visual changes to the plants are yellowing of the leaves and purple...
  13. D

    Word of advise for newbies.

    Guys I'm here telling you this because I've been frustrated about the subject for a while. No one has been able to help me. I've read dozens of pages about drying and curing.. all talking about drying for 5-7 days blah blah then curing with the burping. All this info just like on how to grow...
  14. D

    Miniature flies and black worms

    Theres a bunch of these flying bugs that are like 1/4 the size of a fly and their really annoying. Also I noticed little black worms at bottom of bucks crawling around. I think the 2 are related. Plants are yellowing and stems turning purple and stiff. Any clues?
  15. D

    What would you rate this?

    5 day air dry so far, thought of putting them in paper bags now for 3-4 days.. maybe longer. If you see in the pic the 2 buds don't even look the same.. I think the longer one is a little dryer. It weighs 10 grams and the skinnier one weighs 14 grams. I know this can't be right so I will be...
  16. D

    Whats the deal with paper bags?

    Do they help retain the smell better or what? I have a little bit up drying now day 3 and was planning to put in paper bags. What is the advantage of doing this?
  17. D

    Help me get it right

    Hey guys i'd really appreciate some feed back on this. I'm really looking to get some tasty buds out of this because that is one of the best parts about smoking bud. Humidity around the buds is 58 percent with a temp of 61 degrees F. Fairly large bedroom feels nice and cool. Is this okay? I...
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    Help Drying/Curing Problems

    This is the most important step of growing and I mess it up every time. I just cut 3.5 grams 2 days ago and it was drying for 6-7 days in a cool room. It reeked when I took it down and put it in a jar. Opening the lid just 1 minute later and it smelled like success! 2-3 hours later still smelled...
  19. D

    Plant is sick let me describe quickly

    Plant was growing fine for a while.. leaves are now yellowing, purplish stem now and plant is very stiff... (vegetative growth). Just looks sick when you lookin at it. If you were to bend the branches like one of the normal plants.. even 1/4 of the way it would snap I bet.
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    Buds are heavy.. falling down.

    So im at 6 weeks flower with 8 week harvest and the buds are starting to fall over from weight but most are still upright. The ones that i've tried to save are very delicate and it will snap on you with just a touch.. not completely off but where its kinked and water comes out of the stalk. What...