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  1. justtrying

    Wondering id I should Harvest my CFL GROW?

    Trying to get some advice from all you experienced growers as to whether I should Harvest or wait some more?
  2. justtrying

    CFl Grow

    Starting a CFL Grow this is my set up, anybody have any advice?
  3. justtrying

    10 wk flowering under cfl's

    This is my first grow that has gone all the way, they say that it's better if you dont use cfl but I am impressed with what I am going to yield I think I will let it go another 1-2 weeks on 12/12 and then it will be lights 0/24 for about a week or 2 and then its chop chop chop. any suggestions...
  4. justtrying

    ArE wE ThEre YeT?

    I am looking for advice on wether I should or should not make it lights out permanently for my baby, It has been in flowering since april 1, I know it looks a little rough, I accidently gave it way to much mollases and nutes on one of the feedings almost killed the damn thing, but looks like it...
  5. justtrying

    Seeking Advice, look at pics

    :blsmoke::joint:I have this plant I have been flowering for at least 6 weeks, and I was wondering if based on my pics someone could tell me how much longer I have to let her flower, also if there are any evident issues with the plant based on the pics, maybe I can get some advice on how to...
  6. justtrying

    problems with my baby

    I have a problem with my plant I came home today from work and the plants leaves were all curled up and with brown spos throughout. Anybody know what the cause may be and how I can resolve it?
  7. justtrying


    are hermi's truly worthless or could you esentially just smoke the buds it does produce and remove the polen sacks as they develop?
  8. justtrying

    serious problems

    I need some real expert advise, I have theese 3 Jock Horror Plants growing. the other day I posted a thread titled yellowing. and gave pictures describing my problem, I was told first to check adjust my ph, the I was told to add a tsp of epsom salt to a gallon of water well I followed the advice...
  9. justtrying

    vinegar to lower ph

    will adding vinegar to my soil really help it drop it's alkilinity?
  10. justtrying


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me where this yellowing comes from my leaves are green everywhere exept that on the center they are really lime green almost yellow it appears to be the new shoots coming in.
  11. justtrying

    flowering problem

    I have a problem I am entering my third week of 12/12 and my plant has not sexed it has like these two green skinny string looking things coming out of the stem on the side of those two green stringy things it has always had I dont get it it's healthy as can bee its really green and bushy why...
  12. justtrying


    I have these things growing out of my plant they are very pointy and then start to round out towards the bottom best way to describe it is to say it kind of look like pears, it does not look like a ball but it does not have any hairs coming out of it it has been on 12/12 for 11 days now, does...
  13. justtrying

    flowering nute schedule

    I am in the middle of the second week of 12/12 and my? `is how often should I fertilize with the bloom fert. 10-52-10 I gave it some last week and the plant looked like it went in to shock so I flushed it out right away and now the soil is drying up I will be watering either later tonight or in...
  14. justtrying

    Nutrients and Organic Soil

    I have an Issue with a plant I currently have Flowering it's medium is made of Perlite and Organic Soil, I gave it some blooming fert 10-52-10 and it went in to shock it's recovering slowly and I am spraying it a litle here and there with just water my ? is why. Why does the plant go in to shock...
  15. justtrying

    12/12 oops!

    I was wondering if any one can tell me how much light can you accidently give a plant during its 12 of darkness before it returns back to veg?
  16. justtrying


    would like to know if any of you pro's can tell the sex of this plant?
  17. justtrying

    Oppinions on Light

    is it ok to go straight to 12/12 with seedlings I read on a forum that with this set up you could be harvesting within 7 weeks and you dont need more than 2' of growth space for much of the growth will be lateral growth, any thoughts or experiences welcomed? take a look at my jock horror...
  18. justtrying


    I was wondering if any of you pros out there have ever ordered from Nirvanna snd received your order (I Live in the US)cause I ordered some seeds from there and I want to make sure I am getting them, would like to hear from those in the us that have placed orders there.
  19. justtrying


    Would like to know if any of you pro's out there can determine the sex of this plant, or is to early?
  20. justtrying

    co2 mistery

    If it's one thing i have learned in life, it is this, ask a whole bunch of people the exact same question in the exact same way, and the answer with the highest average stands at the very least a 99% chance of being the right answer, That being my reasoning, I will ask this Question one more...